teth,buffetteth, and terrefieth the godly. Whom he cannot hinder offalvation, he will of comfort) fomuchas he can. Iftherecanb.e hope, that hee will ceafe to bee malicious, fo may there be oft he ceafing ofour vexations. The -other, the wicked of the world, carried by the fpirit that rules in _the world , will fee the g<tlly ihall want no exercife :-For no Chrifi:ian , as a Chrifl:ian, can pleafe the wicked--world. No communion can be expeB:ed be- -tween light and darkneffe: Nay, there cannot but bee feparation, fight,and perfecution. re foal! 6e - hated of all men j1r m7 N 11me 1 _ fok.!, M~tt.1 0 . 22. And,Prov.29. 2 7. The jtJt/1 u ~tn llbominAtion tQ the wick,td. H~nc_e are they proclaimed enemies, as traitors, hereticks, and the off-fcouring of the \vorld; even as Chrifl: on the cro!fe was accounted the mofl: flagitious fellon of all other, agd l farre t