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60 fYhat things are requijite x. 1 1. Ir:1 that we have fuch a partner, HeY.12.2. Rev.x.9. It wiil bee a fingular encouragement, when we conceive otar felves but as Simons , helping Chrifl:· to beare his croffe. If Chrifl: were on earth, and wee faw him fainting under a burden, bee would . think himfelfe happy that might , lend him-an hand to eafe htm. We are indeed likeSimon, who willingly bearenot, but mu£1: bee compellul to beare his croffe: Fo:r violence rnufi bee offered to na- , tu re, and the flefh will bee rt£i- 'fi:ing the fpirit. Peter, when bee was an old Difciple,mufi bee girded and led whither he· owould nr;.t, ]ohnz1.18. · . 2. z. In ·that wee have Chrifi . himfelfe at the ether end of the cro£fe,helping and fupporting us. · He is of'power to carry the heavie end,and beare·off-the weight from us. Hee bath promifed hi~ prefence,and~annotbe abfent;but- - as,