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up our cr~lfe. ries as others , but cannot take them up , and chrifi:ianly carry them. And incleed the nature of man is unwilling, and prone to impatience, grudging, and complaints of futfering the lea£1: trouble,and cannot eafily take up any : And in taking up a croffe is more difficulty , than all the ~ength that is in nature can conquer. . ' ~eft. Why? what is reqai- , red in taking up the croffe ? .Anfw. Five things. 1. A conrinnall expectation . and a fl:anding unfearfnlJy in the £l:ation ·wherein God bath fetus., with a ftrong refolution not to be difcouraged therefore, ~hough croffes cotneneverfo thicke.Experted evils fmart leffe. Job -wAited for ch11ngeJ , and evils expetted came upon him ; and how ftoutly were they borne ? · 2. A contentedneffe to ~t!Jide 11nder a great burden, which is . · , o\:r;rop..lvf!IY;