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66 Necrjiity sftAking 3· This duty makes us conforma· blcro Chr.ift: Hcb.xs.s. are earthly velfels, hee will by croffes f~owre us from the rufi · and filth of fin,that !l:ickes fo fafi to our natures. 3. vV ee muft willingly take them up,to ihew our felves both conforma6/e to Chrift, and for- "llice~61e. Chri£1: willingly t~okf up hid croffe /t!r m,andendured wounds, f£arres and marke s in his body -for us: And fo wee mull for him .·willingly beare his markes and fcarres in our body ,and fulfi/J the refl of the 11jjli£lionJ of Chrift i11 Ollr fteJI;, Col. I .2'4. and this made the A pofl:le . rejoJCt in his fufferings , and tfgry in hu perfocution fQr Chrift, G~ti.6.I7.I heare in mj /Jod_y the m~trktsofthe Lord JeJUI. Anq indeed it is the glory of a Chri!l:ian fouldier to fuew the markes and fcarres of his fortitude and valour in a good ca~fe, in his Princes quarrell, and for the honour of his Country. See Luk!