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up our crojfe. L1/lf! 24.26.and 2 Tim.2. a I . Againe, to fhew our_fer vice and love to him. Hee 6ecteme ~e firvant , and was o!?edient tfl the death, and took up his crolfe to endure a meritorious fuffering, the price ofour re~emption. We cannot fo fuffer for him,,but muft in way of thankfulnes endure the fervice of fulfering , and not }oye our lives to the death for him ~ AeiJ20.24.MJlifo unottkllret• me,fo that I •ay fulfil/ m1 cosrfo with joJ. And wherein can a man more clearly exprcffe himfelfe a · fervant ofChrift,than by fuffering for righteoufnes fake , and by maintaining his Lords honour and jufl: ql)arrell to the death? 2 Tim. 2. 3. Suffer Ajflillion IU a goodfouldierof Jefu.r Chrift . 4. We may chearfully take up the croffe, becaufe wee know it lha11 not overburden us: for it is C:hri£l:s crotfe, and he puts under hts .thoulder ' and beares . the weight 67 .-.... And fer.. viceable. Phil.z..7.8. Nw1 ,., «'r xr.W i~ .v Wt~'n~ .. ·~· Ignar.ad Ephef.; 4· No fear of beingow verburdcw nedby the croffe.