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Serin. XI. from the 1 rue tiellgaon. 83 to be reckoned in the number of thofe who profefs it, fo long as -it:;isr the Fafhion, and he finds no great Inconvenience by it ; but is, fo tndifferènt in his Mind about it, (like Gallio, who minded, none of thofe things) that he can turn himfelf into any other Shape, when his Interefl requires it ; fo that tho' he never actually deferted it, yet he is a kind of Apoftate, in the Preparation and Difpofrtion of his Mind : And to fuch Perfons, that Title which Solomon gives to fome, may fitly enough be applyed, they are Backfliders in Heart. 2:. Another Tendency to this. Sin, and a great degree of it, is withdrawing from the Publick Marks and Teftimonies of the Profeffion of Religion, by 'forfaking the Affemblies of Chriftians for the Worfhip and Service of God,, to withdraw our felves from thofe, for fear of Danger or Suffering, is a kind of Denial of our Religion. And this was the Cafe of fome in the Apoftles time, when Perfecu< tion grew hot, and the open Profeffion of Chriftianity dangerous ; to avoid this Danger, many appeared not in the Alfemblies of Chriftians, for fear of being ob- ferved and brought into trouble for it. This the Apoftle taxeth fome for, in this Chapter, and fpeakethofit as a letting go our Profeffion, and a kind of ,defecting' of Chriftianity, Ver. 23, 2 5. Let us holdfait theProfefonof our Faith Without wavering, not forfaking the afemhling of our felves together, as the manner of Tome is. He Both not fay, they had quitted their Profeffion, but they had, but a loofe hold of it, and were fluently flealing away from it. 3. A light temper of Mind, which eafily receives Imprefftons from thofe who lie in wait to deceive and feduce Men from the Truth. When Men are not well rooted and eflablifhed in Religion, they are apt to be inveigled by the crafty Infinuations ofSeducers, to be moved with every wind of Dol rive, and to be:eafily fhaken in Mind, by every trifling piece of Sophiftry, that is confidently obtruded upon them for a weighty Argument. Now this is a Temper of Mind which: difpofeth Men to Apoftafie, and ren- ders them an eafie. Prey to every onethat takes a Pleafure and a Pride in making Profelytes. It is true indeed, a Man Ihould always have a Mind ready to 'enter -: tain Truth, when it is fairly propofed to him : But the main things of Religion are fo plainly revealed, and lie fo obvious to every ordinary Capacity, that every Man may difcern them ; and when he bath once entertained them, ought to be . ftedfaft and unmovable in them, and not fuffer himfelf to be whifiled out of them by any infignificantnoife about the Infallibility of a Vilble Church ; much lefs ought he to be moved by any Man's uncharitablenefsand pofitivenefs, itidamning all that are not of his Mind. There are fome things fo very plain, not only in Scripture, but to the Qom mon Reafon of Mankind, , that no fubtilty of Difcourfe, no pretended .Authority, or even Infallibility of any Church, ought to finger us in thelëafl about '.them ; as that we ought not, or cannot believe any thing 'in dire&, contradiction to .Senfe and Reafon ; that the People ought to Read and.Study the Holy Scriptures ; and to ferve God and pray to him in a Language which they underhand ;; 'that they ought to receive the Sacrament as our Saviour inftitutedand appointed iti.,that is, in both kinds ; that it can neither be our Duty,' nor Lawful 'to do that which God bath forbidden, as he bath done the Worfhip of .Images in,the Second Coin- mandinent, as plainly as Words can do it Upon, any one of thefe Points,,a Man would fix his foot, and ftand alone againfl the. whole World. 4. Another Degree ofApoftafie is, a departure'from the Purity of the Chrifli- an;Dpdrine and Worfhip, in a grofs and notorious manner. This is ,a ,. partial, tho' not a total Apoftafie from the Chriftian Religion, and there have been.,.and are Rill fome in the World, who are juflly charged with this degree of Apoftafie from Religion ; namely fuch, as tho' they retain and profefs the Belief of all the. Articles of the Chriftian Faith, and worfhip the only true God, and him whom he bath feat, 7ef rs Chri/I ; yet have greatly perverted the Chriftian Reli- gion, by fuperinducing, and adding new Articles of Faith, and grofs Corruptions and Superftitions in Worfhip, and iinpofing upon Men the "Belief and Pra&ice of thefe, as neceßàry to Salvation. And St. Paul is my Warrant for this Cenfure, who chargeth thofe who addeth to the Chriftian Religion, the Neceflìty of Cir- M 2 cumcifon