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erro. XI, from the Trite Religion. worft kind of Apoftacy of all other, I with the Age we live in had not afforded us too many Inftances. It is greatly to be lamented, that among thofe who have profefs'dChriftianity, any fhoul'd be found that fhould make it their Endeavour to undermine the great Principles of all Religion ; theBeliefof a God, and his Pro- vidence; and ofthe Immortality of the Souls of Men ; and a State of Rewards and Punifhments after this Life ; and to bring the molt ferions Matters in the World into Contempt, and to turn them into Jeft and Raillery. This is not only a Renoun- cing ofChriftianity, the Religion which God hath revealed, but even of the Re- ligion which is born with us, and the Principles and Notions which God hadf planted in every Man's Mind : This is an Impietyof the firft Magnitude, and not to be mentioned without Griefand Horror ; and this, it is to be feared, bath had a great Hand in thofe great Calamities which our Eyes have feen ; and I pray God it do not draw down (till more and greater Judgments _upon this Nation But I hope there are noue here that need to be cautioned againft this horrible Imp 'piety, and higheft degree ofApo/iacy from the Living God. That which Peo- ple are much more in danger of is Apoftacy from the Purity of the Chriftian Do&rine and Worfhip, fo happily recovered by a regular Reformation, and efta- blifhed amongft us by all the Authority that Laws, both Ecclefiaftical and Civil; can give it ; and which, in truth, is no other than the Ancient and Primitive Chriftianity ; I fay, a Defection from this, to thofegrofs Errors and Superftitions, which the Reformation had paired off, andfreed us from. I do not fay, that this is a total Apoftacy fromChriftianity; but it is a partial Apoftacy and Defe&ion; and a very dangerous one; and that thofe, who, after they have received the Knowledge of the Truth, fall off from it into thofe Errors and Corruptions, are highlyguilty before God, and their Condition certainly worfe, and More dange- rous, than of thofe who are brought up in thofe Errors and Superftitions, and never knew better ; for there are terrible Threatnings in Scripture againft thofe who fall away from the Truth, which they once embraced, and were convinced of; Ifwefin wilfully, after we have received the Knowledge ofthe Truth, &c. and, If any Man draw back, my Soil(ball bave nopleafure in hini. God confiders every Man's Advantages and Opportunities of Knowledge, and their Difadvantages likewife,' and makes all reafonable Allowances for them ; and for Men to continue in the Errors they have been always brought up in, or, Which comes much to one, in Errors which they were led into 'by Priiaciplea. eafily infufed into them, before they were in any meafure competent Judges of thole Matters; I fay, for fuch Perfons to continue in thefe Errors, and tooppofe and rejelt the contrary Truths, againft which, by their 'Education, they have . received fo ftrong and violent a Prejudice, this may be in .r great degree excufable, and find Pardon with God, upon a general Repentance for all Sins, both known and unknown, and cannot be reafonably charged with the Guilt of this great Sin of Apoftacy : But not to abide in the Truth, after we have entertained and pro- fared" it, having fufficient Means and Advantages of knowing it, bath no Excufe. I would not be rafh in condemning particular Perfons of any Society or Coni munion of Chriftians, provided they be fincerèly devout, and juft, and fober, to the heft of their Knowledge ; I had much rather leave them to God, whofe Mercies are great; than to pafs an uncharitable Cenfure upon them, as to their' Eternal State and Condition : But the Cafe is fat otherwife, where the Opportu- nities of Knowledge are afforded to Men, and Men love Darknefr rather than Light ; for they who have the Means and Advantages of knowing their Mailer's Will, are anfwerable to God as if they had known it ; becaufe if they hid not been grofly negligent, and wanting to themfelves, they might have known it. And this, I fear, is the Cafe ofthe generality ofthofe who have been bred up to Tears of Confideration and Choice in the Reformed Religion, and forfake it ; becaufe they do it without fufficient Reafon, and there are invincible Obje&ions againft it : They do it without fufficient Reafon; becaufe every one ainongft us, knows, or may know upon very little Enquiry, that we hold all the Articles of the Faith, which are contained in the Ancient Creeds of the Chriftian Church, and into which all Chriftians are baptized that we inculcate upon Men the Ne- ceflity