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98 Of Self - denial, and Suffering for Chrift'r Sake. Vol, L hivfelt, and take up his Crofs, and fallowme, that is, let him reckon and refolve upon following that Example of Self-denial and Suffering in which I will go before him. Now the Confederation of this Example of Self -denial and Suffering, which our Saviour bath given us, bath great force in it to reconcile us to this difficult Duty, and to thew the Reafonablenefs of it. I. In that He, who requires us thus to deny our felves, hath Himfelf in his own Perfon, given us the greatest Example of. Self-denial that ever was. And, 2. Such an Example as, in all the Circumflances of it, is molt apt and power- ful to engage and oblige us to the Imitation of it ; becaufe all his Self denial and Sufferings were for our fakes. I. He, who requires us thus to deny our felves, bath Himfelf in his own Per- fon given us the greateft Example of Self-denial that ever was ; in that he de- nyed himfelf snore, and fuffered more grievous things, than any of us can do. He bore the infupportable Load ofall the Sins of all Mankind, and of the Wrath and Vengeance due them. Never was furrow like to his farrow, wherewith the LordafiSed him in the day of his fierce anger. He was defpifed and rejeSed Of men; a man offurrows, and acquainted with griefs ; his vifage was marred more than any mans, and his form more than the funs of men. (i. e.) He un- derwent more Afietion, and had more Contempt poured upon him, than ever was upon any of the Sons ofMen : And yet he endured all this with incredi- ble Patience and Meeknefs, with the greatest Evennefs and Conftancy of Mind, and with the molt perfe& Submiffìon and Refignation of himfelf to the Will of God, that can be imagined. Such an Example as this should be of great force to animate us with the like Courage and Refolution, in lelfer Dangers and Difficulties. To fee theCaptain of our Salvation going before us, and leading us on fo bravely, and made perfeS by greater fufferings than we can ever be called to, or are any ways able to un- dergo, is no fmall Argument and Encouragement to us, to take up our Crofs and follow him. The Confideration ofthe unknown Sufferings of the Son ofGod, fo great as we cannot well conceive of them, fhould make all the Atfliétions and Sufferings that can befall us, not only tolerable, but eafie to us. Upon this Con- fideration it is, that the Aposlle animates Chriftians to Patience in their Chriflian Courfe, notwithstanding all the Hardfhips and Sufferings that attended it, Heb. 12. 2. Let us runwith patience the race which is fat before us, looking unto fefs the Author andFinifher of our Faith, who endured the Crofs, and defpifed the Sharpe. For confider him, who endured filch contradiSion offinners again himfe f left ye alfa be weary and faint in your minds. And this Example is more Powerful for our Encouragement, becaufe therein we fee the World conquered to our Hands, and all the Terrors and Temptations of it baffled and fubdued, and thereby a cheap and cafee Vielory over it obtained for us. By this Confederation, our Saviour endeavours to infpire his Difciples with Chearfulnefs and Courage in this great Conflift, John 16. 33. In the world ye (ball have tribulation : but be of good chear, I haveovercome the world. 2. This Example of our Saviour is fuch as, in all the circumftances of it, is molt apt and powerful to engage and oblige us to the Imitation of it; becaufe all his Self denial and Sufferings were for our fakes, in Pity and Kindnefs to us, and wholly for our Benefit and Advantage. We are apt to have their Example in great regard, from whom we have received great Kindnefs and mighty Benefits. This Pattern of Self-denial and Suffering, which our Religion propofeth to us, is the Example of One, whom we have Reafon to Efleem, and Love, and Imitate, above any Perfon in the World. 'Fis the Example of our Lord and Maher, of our Sovereign and our Saviour, of the Founder of our Religion, and of the Author and Finifher ofour Faith : And furely fuch an Example mutt needs carry Authority with it, and command our Imitation. 'Fis the Example of our belt Friend, and greatest Benefaftor; of Him, who laid down his Life for us, and fealed his Love to us withhis deareft Blood, and, even when we were bitter Enemies to him, did, and fuffered more for us, than any Mau ever did for his beft Friend. If we fhould be reduced to Poverty and Want, let us confider Him, who