The CvNT.ENTS. ix "SERM. XXVII. The Vanity and Wickednefs of Honouring Dead Saints, and Perfecuting the Living. Luke xi. 49, 50, 5i. Therefore alfo Paid the Wifdom of God, I will fend them Prophets andApoflles, andfame of them theyfball flay andperfecute : that the Blood of all the Prophets, which was flied from the Foundation of the World, may be required of this Generation ; from the Blood ofAbel, unto the Blood ofZacharias, which perifhed between the Altar and the Temple : Verily I fay unto you, it(hall be required of this Generation. p. 195 S ERM. XXVIII. The Danger of Zeal without Knowledge. Rom. x. 2. I bear them record, that they have a Zeal of God ; but not according to Knowledge. p. 200 S ERM. XXIX. The bell Men liable to the worft Treatment, from Miftaken Zealots. John xvi. 2. They (hall put you out of the Synagogues : Tea, the time cometh, that whofoever killethyou, will think that he cloth God Service. p. 207 S ERM. XXX. The Duty and Reafon of Praying for Governours. . 1 Tim. ii. 1, 2. I exhort therefore, that fir/lofall, Supplications, Prayers, Inter- ceffìons, and giving ofThanks, be made for all Men : for Kings, and for all that are in Authority; that we may lead a quiet andpeaceable Life, in all Godlinefs and 'fondly. p. 214 S ERM. XXXI. The Love of God to Men, in the Incarnation of Chrifl. 1 John iv. 9. In this was manifefled the Love of God towards us, becaufe that God fent his only -begotten Son into the World, that we might live through him. p. 221 S E RM. XXXII. The Sin andDanger of adding to the Doetrine of the Gofpel. Calm. I. 8, 9. But though We, or an Angel from Heaven preach any other Gofpel unto you, than that which we have preached unto you, let him be ac- curfed. As we faid before, fo fay I now again, Ifany Man preach any other Gofpel unto you, than that ye have received, let him be accurfed. p. 22$ SE RM. XXXIII, XXXIV, XXXV. Honefly the belt Pre- fervative againft dangerous Miftakes in Religion. John vii. 17. Ifany Man will do his Will, he (hall know ofthe Dofirine, whether it be ofGod, or whether Ifpeak ofmy fell. p. 235, 241, 247 S ER M. XXXVI. The Nature of Covetoufnefs. Luke xii. 15. And he faid unto them, Take heed and beware of Covetoufnefs; for a Man's Life conffleth not in the abundance of the Things whichhepof feffeth. p. 253 Vol. I. b SERM. XXXVII