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12"2 The Prefence of the Me/fas, Vol. I. from which Words, the Apoftle to the Hebrews argues the Perpetuity of the Gofpel, and that it was the Difpenfation which fhouldnever be changed, Heb. 12. 27. And this Word, Yet once more, figniftes, the removing ofthofe things which are fhaken, as of things that are made that chafe things which cannot be fhaken may remain. And then it follows, 1Çwrefore we receiving a Kingdom which cannot be moved, &c. It was ufual 4th the Yews to defcribe the Times of the Gofpel, by the Kingdom of the 1ftefas ; and accordingly the Apoftle here calls the Difpenfation of the Gofpel, a Kingdom which cannot be moved : In Op- pofition to the Law, which was an impeded and alterable Difpenfation. For this is plainly the Scope of the Apoftle's reafoning ; namely, to convince the yews that they were now under a more gracious and perfe& Difpenfation than that of the Law, Verfe t 3. Ye are not come unto the Mount that might be touched, and that burned with Fire ; meaning Mount Sinai, which was a fenfible literal Moun- tain, a Mountain that might be touched, in Oppofition to the Myftical and Spi- ritual Mount Sion, by which the Difpenfationof the Gofpel is defcribed : Which, by the way, prevents the Obje&ion of its being called the Mountain that might be touched, when it was forbidden to be touch'd upon Pain of Death ; Te are not come to the Mount that might be touched; that is, I am not now fpeaking of a literal and fenfible Mountain, fuch as was Mount Sinai, from whence the Law was given ; but of that Spiritual and Heavenly Difpenfation of the Gofpel, which was typify'd by Mount Sion and by Jerufalem; butye are come tb Mount Sion, and unto the City of the living God, the heavenly Jerufolem, and to Jefus the Media- tor ofthe new Covenant. And then he cautions them to take heed how they re- je& him that came from Heaven, to make this laft Revelation of God to the World ; which, becaufe of the Clearnefs and Perfe&ion of it, fhould never need to receive any Change, Verfe 25. See that ye refute not him that fpeaketh ; fir if they efcape not, who refuted him that -fpake on Earth, (viz. Mofes, who delivered the Law fromMount Sinai) much more(hall not we efcape, if we turn away from him that fpeaketh from Heaven; whofe Voice then Poole the Earth, (alluding to the Earthquake at the giving of the Law) but now he pathpromifd, faying, Yet once more, I (hake not the Earth only, but alfo Heaven ; that is, the whole World, in order to the Coming of the Mefiae, and the Planting of the Gofpel in the World ; and then he argues from the Words once more, that the former Difpenfationfhould be removed, to make way for that which fhould per- petually remain. And indeed there is no need of any farther Revelation after this; nor of any Change of that Religion which was brought fromHeaven by the Son of God ; be- caufe of the Perfe&ion of it, and its Fitnefs to reform the World, and to recover Mankind out of their lapfed and degenerate Condition, and to bring them to Hap- pinefs; both by the Purity of its Do&rine, and the Power of its Arguments, to work upon the Minds of Men, by the clear Difcovery of the mighty Rewards and Pu nifhnrents of another World. And now the proper Inference from all this Difcourfe, is the very fame with that which the Apoftle makes, from the Confideration of the Perfe&ion and Ex- cellency ofthis Revelation, which God had made to the World by his Son. See that ye refi3fe not him that fpeaketh , for how (hall we efcape, if we turn away from him that fpeaketh from Heaven ? And at the 28th Verfe of that Chapter, Wherefore we receiving a Kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have Grace, whereby we may ferve God acceptably, with Reverence and godly Fear ; that is, Let us live as becomes thofe to whom God bath made fo clear and perfe& a Reve- lation ofhis Will. We have all the Advantages of the Divine Revelation which the World ever had, and the laft and molt perfe& that the World ever fhall have : We have not only Mofes and the Prophets, but that Do&rine which the Son of God came down from Heaven on purpofe to declare to the World. God hath vouchfafed to us that clear and complcat Reí'clation of his Will, which he denied to many Prophets and Righteous Men, ivha defired to fee the things which wefee, but could not fee them, and to hear the things which we hear, but could not hear then. There were Good Men in the World under thofe imperfeft Reve- lations