125 S R C) XVII. Chrifi Jefus, the only Mediator between God and Men. Preaehed at St. Pe- ter'sCorrr. hill, on the Feaß ofthe Annuncia- tion. 16i. 1 TIM. 1i. 5, 6. For there is one God, and one Mediator between God and men, the man Chrifi Jefus ; whogave himfelf a ranfom for all. THESE Words contain in them thefe four Propofitions ; three of them exprefs, and the fourth of them fufficiently implyed in the Text. I. That there is one God. II. That there i.r one Mediator between Godandmen; Chrifl yefu:. III. That he gave himfelf a ranfom for all. IV. That the Mediation or Interce ion of Yefus Chrf, is,founded in the Re- demptionof Mankind. For this feems to be the Reafon why it is added, that he gave bimfelf a ranfom for all, to fignifie to us, that hecaufe he gave himfelf a ranfom for all, therefore he intercedes for all. In virtue of that Sacrifice which he offered to God for the Salvation of Men, he offers up our Prayers to God ; and therefore it is acceptable to him, that we should pray for all men. This feems to be the true connexion of the Apoftle's Difcourfe, and the force of his Rea- Toning, about our putting up publick Prayers for all men. I have in a former Difcourfe handled the fa l of thefe. I proceed now to See a Ser, the enet(Ceneer_ IIa. That there is one Mediator between God and men, the man Chri 7efus. Unity the of One Mediator, that is, But one ; for the expreffion is the very fame concerning oneÑatDfe1n6 God, and one Mediator ; and therefore if the Apoftle when he fays,' there is one Printed i,i God, certainlymeans that there is but one God ; it is equally certain, that when the yea", he fays, there is one Mediator between God and men, he means, there is but' 6- one Mediator, viz. Chrf 7efus. He is the only Mediator between God and Men. In the handling of this Argument, I shall proceed in this Method. s. I (hall endeavour to Phew; That God hath appointed but one Mediator, or I. Advocate, or Interceffor in Heaven for us ; in whofe Name, and by whofe Me- diation and Interceffion, we are to offer up our Prayers and Services to God. 2. That this is molt agreeable to one main End and Defign of the Chriflian II. Religion, and of our Saviour's coming into the World. 3. That it is likewife evident from the Natureand Reafon of the thing it fell, III. That there is but one Mediator and Interceffor in Heaven for us, to offer up our Prayers to God ; and that there can be no more. And then, 4. And Ley, I fhall endeavour to thew, how contrary to the Doctrine of the IV. Chriftian Religion, concerning one Mediator and Interceffor in Heaven for us, the Doctrine and Pradice of the Church of Rome in this matter is, in their Invocation of Angels, and the Bleffed Virgin, and the Saints, and making ufe of their Me- he iDoon Interceffion with Pradice of the Primitive Sinners Chriftian Church :And then I fhall anfwer their feveral Pretences for this Doétrine and Pradice ; and thew that this Pradice is not only needlefs, but ufelefs and unprofitable ; and not only fo, but very dangerous and impious. Fir/l, I fhall endeavour to thew, That God hath appointed but one Mediator, L or Advocate, or Interceffor in Heaven for us, in whofe Naine, and by whofe Intercellìon we are to offer up all our Prayers and Services to God. Betides