Serin. XV J 1. between God and Men. I27 viz. That Cbriflians ought not to forfake the Church of God; and go away from it, and to invocate Angels, and to make Conventicler, all which are forbidden. If anytberefore befound giving himfelf to thisfecret Idolatry, let him be Anathema; besaufe he hath forfaken our Lord 7efus Chrifl, the Son of God, and is gone over to Idolatry. What (hall be faid to them, who not only fecretly, and in their Pri- vate Devotions, but in. the Publick Affeinblies of Ch"riftians, and in the tnoft Pliblick Offices of their Church, invocate Angels, and pray to them. So that it was Praying to Angels (or snaking ufe of them as Mediators and Interceffors with God for us) which St. Paul here reproves fo feverely in the Colo(ians, as a Defe&ion from Chrift and the Chriftian Religion. And, indeed, confidering how frequently the Scripture fpeaks of Chrift, as our only Way to God, and by whom alone we have Accefs to the Throne ofGrace, we cannot doubt but that God hath conftituted him our only Mediator and Inter ceffor, by whom we are to addrefs all our Requefts to God, john 54. 6. 7efus there faith unto Thomas, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life ; no Man cometh to the Father but by me. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life ; that is, the true and living Way to the Father (which the Apóftle calls a new and living Way, Heb. to. 59, 20. Having therefore boldnefs to enter into 'the holiefl hi the Blood of Yefas, by a new and living Way which he hath confecrated for *Is.) No Man cometh to the Father but by me; that is, we can have no Accefs tó God by Prayer, or by any other Ads of Religious Wortiiip, but by him. So Sr. Paul tells us, Eph. 2. 18. For through him (fpeaking ofChrïft) we both have an asters by one Spirit unto the Father. We both, that is, both Yews and Gentiles: Under the Law the Yews had Accefs to God by their High-Prieft, who interceded with God, and offered up Prayers in behalf of the People. The Gentiles, they addreffed themfelves to God by innumerableMediators, by Angels, and the Souls of their departed Heroes, which were the Pagan Saints. Instead of all thefe, God hath appointed one Mediator and Interceffor in Heaven for us,.jefus the Son of God, and by him eza Mankind, both Yews and Gentiles, have eccefr by one Spirit unto the Father. And we have no need of any other, as the Apoftle to the Hebrews reafons, Chap. 7. 24, 25. But this Perfon (fpeaking of Chrift) becaufe he continueth for ever, loath an unchangeable Prieflhood, ávra?_ilealov a Prieflbood which doth not pafs from one to another, .as the Priefthood under the Law did, when upon the Death of one High-Prieft, another fucceeded in his Place ; but our High-Prieft under the Gofpel, lance he abides for ever, is able tofave to the utmofl all thole that come to Godby him, feeing he ever liveth to make Interce8onfor us. So that Jefus Chrift is an All-fufficient Mediator, and able to carry on and áccomplifh the Work of our Salvation from firft to Taft : And as we do not find that God hath ap- pointed any other; fo we are fure, that there needs no other, lince he is able to fave to the ,utmofi all thole that come to God by him, and that he lives for ever to make Intercelfionfor us. Secondly, I proceed now in the Second place to thew, That this Doétrine or Principle of one Mediator between God and Man; is moft agreeable to one main End and Defign of the Chriftian Religion, and of our Saviour's coming into the World, which was to olefin), Idolatry out of the World; which St. John calls the. Works ofthe Devil, a' John 3, 8. For this purpofe -the Son ofGod was mani- fefled, that he might deffray, wa XtÇn, that he might dfolve or demob the Works of the Devil ; by which St. John does more efpecially mean the Idola- trous Worfhip of the Heathen, which confifted in the multitude oftheir Gods, and the bloody and barbarous Rites and Sacrifices, whereby they worshipped them; and likewife in the multitudeof their Mediators between the Gods and Men, who were alfo efteem'd by them an inferior fort of Deities. Both' thefe kinds of Ido- latry had ftrangely prevailed, and over-run the World, before the Appearance of our Lord and Saviour, who came on purpofe todeliver Mankind from the horrible Superftition and Slavery ofthe Worfhip ofFalfe Gods, to pull down this Kingdom of the Devil, and to demolifh that Fabrick which he hath been fo long .a rearing, and to beat him out of thofe Strong Holds, which he thought had been impregna- ble. God II.