Berm. X. VII. between God and Men. Interceffors, that were to procure for them the Favour of the Gods, and the gra- cious Anfwer and Acceptance of their Prayers. And this was the Original of, that other fort of Heathen Idolatry, which confifted in the Worship of the Demons and Heroes, that is, of Angels and Souls departed, viz. of fuch eminent Perlons as liad been great Benefaftors to Mankind, and, for their worthy Deeds upon Earth, were Canonized, and tranflated into the Number of the Inferiour Gods. By there, as the chief Courtiers and Favourites of Heaven, they addrefs'd their Prayers and Supplications to the Superiour Gods. Now with thefe Notions, which had generally poffef'd Mankind (how imper- fest foever) God was pleafed to comply fo far, as in the Frame of the 7ewifb Religion (which was defigned for a Type of the more perfe& Inftitution of the Chriftian Religion, and a Preparation for it : ) I fay, God was pleafd to comply fo far with thefe Notions, as to appoint Sacrifices to be Hain and offered up for the Sinner ; and likewife an High-Prieff, that Once a Tear fhould enter into the Hot) of Holies, with the Blood of Sacrifices that were offered up for the People to make Expiation for them ; and, in venue of that Blood, fhould intercede for the People, as the Apoftle to the Hebrews does declare at large. And when Godtent his Son in thefialnefs of time, he was pleafed likewife, in the Difpenfation of the Gofpel, that perfe& Inftitution which was never to be altered) to have fo much regard to thefe common Notions, and Apprehenfions of Mankind, as to provide for the Supply of thofe two great Wants, which they teemed' always to have laboured under, and concerning which they were at fo great a lofs, viz. an ef- feetual Expiatory Sacrifice for Sins upon Earth, and á powerful Mediator and In- terceffor with God in Heaven : And both thefe by the fame Perkin, jefus Chrifl, who appeared in the End of the Tlrorld, to take away Sin by the Sacrifice Ofhim- felf; and in the Merit and Vertue of that Sacrifice, appearing in Heaven in the Pretence of Godfor us, is become a perpetual Advocate, and a sooft powerful Interceffor with God in Heaven for us. So that instead of the endlefs Sacrifices of the S7ewifli Religion, which were ineffeftual to the real Expiation of Sin, and only Types and Shadows of the true expiatory Sacrifice, and inftead of the bloody and inhumane Sacrifices of the Heathen Idolatry ; the Son of God hath by one Sacrifice for Sin once offered, perfetied for ever them that are fanflifzed, and obtainedeternal Redemption for us. And inftead of the Mediation ofAngels, and the Souls of their departed Heroes, which the Heathen made ufe of to offer up their Prayers to the Gods, We have one Mediator between Godand Men, ap- pointed by God himfeif, fefhs the Son of God, who in our Nature is afcended into Heaven, to appear in the Pretence ofGod fir us. And who fo fit to be our Patron and Advocate, as he who was our Sacrifice and Propitiation Thus the Method ofour Redemption,as it was by the Wifdom ofGod admirably fuited to the common Apprehenfions of Mankind, concerning the Neceffity of a Sacrifice to make Expiation ofSin, andof a Mediator to intercede with God for Sinners ; fo was it likewife excellently fitted, not only to put an end to the Jewifh Sacrifices, but likewife to abolifh the barbarous Sacrifices and Rites of the Heathen Idolatry, and to cafhier that infinite Number of Mediators and Intercef- fors, by whom they addreffed their Prayers to the Deity ; and, inftead ofall this, to introduce a more reafonableand fpiritual Worship, more agreeable to the Nature and Perfe&ions of God, and the Reafon ofMankind ; which was one of the main and principal Defigns of the Chriftian Religion : And therefore to bring in any other Mediators, to intercede in Heaven for us (whether Angels or Saints) and by them to offer up our Prayers to God, is direly contrary to the Defign of the Chriftian Religion. Thirdly, It is likewife evident from the Nature and Reafon ofthe Thing it felf, that there is but one Mediator and Interceffor in Heaven, who offers tip our Pray- ers to God, and that there can he no more. Becaufe under the Gofpel there be- ing but one High-Priefl, and but one Sacrifice once offered for Sin, and Inter- ceffion for Sinners being founded in the Merit and Virtue of the Sacrifice, by which Expiation for Sin is made, there can be no other Mediator of Interceftion, but he who hath made Expiation of Sin, by a Sacrifice offered to God for that S purpofe 129