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Serro. XVIII. between God and Men. 43 much ado, and muff handle the bufinefs very tenderly, to hinder it from appearing very Ridiculous. Thus I have examined their chief Pretences from Scripture, for the Counte- nancing this Doctrine and Praftice, and have (hewn how little, or rather nothing at all is there to be found for it ; and That alone is Reafon enough againff it, though there were nothing in Scripture againfl it, that there is nothing in Scrip- ture for it : But I have already produced clear Proof out of the New Teffament, agaitfl it. And becaufe they think the leaft thew and probability from Scripture a good Argument on their fide, I will offer them a probable Argument out of the Old Teffament, upon which though I will lay no abfolute ftrefs, yet I believe it would puzzle them, upon their Principles, to give a clear Anfwer to it ; and it is from 2 Kings 2. 9. where Elijah, juft before he was taken up into Heaven, fays to Eliflia, Ask what I Jhall do for thee before I he taken away from thee ; thereby intimating (as one would think) that then was the lift Opportunity of asking any thing of him : But if Elijah had underifood the Matter right (as the Church of Rome does now) he fhould rather have direfted him, to have pray'd to him when he was in Heaven, where he would have a more powerful Intereft, and be in a better Capacity to do him a Kindnefs. For the Reafon the Church of Rome gives, why theydid not pray to the Saints under the Old-Teffament (name- ly becaufe they were not then admitted into Heaven) will not hold in the Cafe of Elijah, who was taken up into HeavenBody and Soul, and confequently in as good Circumffances to be prayed to, as any of the Saints and Martyrs that have gone to Heaven Once. I fhould now have proceeded, in the Fifth and la/l place, to have fhewn,Th at this Pra&ice is not only Needlefs and Ufelefs but very Dangerous and Impious; becaufe contrary to the Chriffian Religion, and greatly derogating from the Merit and Virtue ofChrift's Sacrifice, and from the Honour ofthe only Mediator between God and Men, Chrß Yefhs. And indeed, how can we apply our felves to any other Mediators and Interceffors with God in Heaven for us, without a grofs and apparent Contempt of the High Pried of our Profe/fion, Jefus the Son of God? As if we either dtttruffed his Kindnefs and Affeftion, or his Power and Intereft. in Heaven, to obtain at God's hand all thofe Bleffings which we ftand in need of The Apoftle to the Hebrews tells us exprefly, that he is able to fave to the ut- moll all thofe that come to God by him ; that is, who addrefs their Prayers and Supplications to God ill his Naine and Mediation. But if we will chufe other Mediators for our felves, of whom we are not fure that they can either hear or help us, we may fall fhort of that Salvation, which the Apoftle tells us we are fecure of by the Mediation of Jefus Chriff; for he is able, &c. But this hath been (hewn fo abundantly in the former part of this Difçourfe, and is fo clearly confequent from the whole, that I (hall here conclude my Dif- courfe upon the Second Propofition I laid down from the Words of my Text, viz. That there is but one Mediator between God and Men, the Man Chri/l7efus. As to the ThirdPropolition contained in the Text, viz. That this one Mediator, Jefus Chr, gave himfelf a Ranfom for all, I have treated on that Stibjeét parti- cularly, on another * Occafion. 'f A Ser- And as to the Fourth and lafl Propofttion, viz. That the Mediation or Inter- 77",her° ceon of 7efus ("brill is founded in his Redemption of Mankind ; and becaufe Sacrifice hegave himfelf a Ranfom for all, therefore He and He only is qualified to Inter- ° "d Satis- fa-47 of cede fir all men, in vertue of that Sacrifice which he o$eréd for the Sál-47 ctie,¢. of Mankind, I judge nothing more needful to be added, to what has fallen in rbe ri "`ed rn year, concerning that Subjeft, in my handling the Second Propofition, in this and the :6g3a two former Sermons. SERMON- iVíG7N