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Serra. XX. of the Gofpel by the Apoftles. r 49 Now to what Cafe shall we afcribe this wonderful Succéfs; and Prevalency of the Gofpel in the World ? There can but thefe Two be imagined ; the Ex- cellency of the Christian Religion, and the Power and Pretence of the Divine Spi- rit accompanying it. J. The Excellency of the Chriflian Religion which both in tefpt l of the goodnefs of its Precepts, and the affurance of its Rewards,, hath, plainly. the ad- vantage of any Religion, that ever yet appeared in the World. And this is a great Advantage indeed : But by this alone it could never have been able to have broketi through all that mightyOpposition and Refiflance, which was made against it ; and therefore that it might be able to encounter this with Succefs. 2. God was pleafed to accompany the firft Preaching of it,_ with a mighty and fenfible Prefence and Power of bis Spirit. And this brings me to the Second Part of the Text, the Reafon of the wonderful Efficacy and Success, which the Apoftles had in the Preaching of the Gofpel ; the Lord wrought with them, and confirmed the Word with figns following. Which words ex- prefs to us that Miraculous Power of the Holy Ghost, which accompanied the firft Preaching of the Gofpel ; by which I do not intend to exclude the inward Operation of Gods Holy Spirit upon the Minds of Men, fecretly moving and dining thofe to whom the Gofpel was Preached, to embrace and entertain it ; which the Scripture elfewhere he fpeaks. frequently , of, and may poffibly be in- tended in the firs! of thefe Expreffions, the Lord working with them; and the latter may only be meant of the Miraculous Gifts of the Spirit, with regard to which, God is Paid to confirm the Word with figns following, or accompanying it. But I rather think they are both intended to exprefs the fame thing, and that the latter is only added by way of explication of the former, to Phew more particu- larly, how the Lord wrought with them ; namely, by giving Confirmation to their Doftrine, by thofe miraculous Gifts and Powers of the Spirit, which they were endowed withal ; the Lord working with them, and confirming the Word with figns following; that is, with thofe Miracles, which accompanied the.firft Preach- ing of the Gofpel. For thefe Words do plainly refer to the Promife of the Spi- rit at the 17th verfe; and thefe figns (hall follow them that believe; which is the Reafon why they are herecallafigns following; that is, Miracles which accom- panied the Word that was Preached. And that this is the full meaning of this Text, will appear by comparing it with one or two more, Rom. 15. a 8, 19. where St. Paul fpeaking of the things which Cbr/ had wrought by him, to make the Gentiles obedient to the Gofpel, he Pays, they were done through mighty figns and wonders, by the Power of the Spirit of God; which is the fame with that which is faid here in, the Text, of the Lord's working with the Apoflles andconfirming the Word, with figns following. So likewife, Heb. 2. 3, 4. the Apoftle there tells us, that the Gofpel which was jìrp fpoken by the Lord, was confirmed by them that beard him, God alfd bearing them witnefs, both with figns andwonders, and with divers miracles andgifts of the Holy Ghoß. So that the great Confirmation, which is faid here to be given to the Gofpel, was bythe Miraculous Gifts of the Spirit, which were poured forth upon the Apoftles and Primitive Chriftians. In fpeaking of which, I fhall briefly do thefe Two things. I. Give an account of the. Nature of thefe Gifts, and of the Ufe and End to which they ferved : And then fhew in the II. Place, how the Gofpel was Confirmed by them: I. For the Nature of thefe Gifts, and the Ufe and End to which they were deigned. They are thofe Miraculous Powers which by the defcent of the Holy Ghoft, upon the day of Pentecost, the Apoftles were endowed withall, to qualifie them to Publifh the Gofpel with more fpeed and fuccefs. Such was the Gifts of flecking divers Languages, and the Gift of Interpreting things fpoken in divers Languages; (And thefe Two. Gifts were not neceffarily united in the fame Perfon, for the Apoftle tells us, that fame had the one, and fome the other ; ) the Gift of Prophecy and foretelling things to come, which was always a sign ofa Perfon Divinely