Tillotson - BX5037 T451 1712 v1

The C () N E NT & -xiii S ERM. LXXV. The Children of this World wifer than the Children of Light. Luke xvi. 8. For the Children of this World are in their Generation wifer than theChildren of Light. P. 559 SER M. LXXVI. Concerning the Perfetion of God. Matth. v. 48. Be ye therefore perfect, even asyour Father which is in Heaven is perfeçt. p. 568 S ERM. LXXVII. Concerning our imitation of the Divine PerfeTions. Text, Ibid. P. 575 S E RM. LXXVIII. The Happinefs of God. z Tim. I. ii. The Bleffed God, The whole Verfe runs thus: According to the glo- rious Gofpel of the Biel God, 'which was committed to my trufl. P. 585 S ERM. LXXIX. The Unchangeablenefs of God. James I. 17. With whom is no variablenefs, nor Jhadow of turning. The whole Period runs thus, Do not err, my belovedBrethren, every good Gift, and every perfefl Gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of Lights, with whom is no variablenefs, norJhadow of turning. P. 592 SERM. LXXX, LXXXI. The Knowledgeof God. r Sain. ii. 3. The Lord is a Godof Knowledge. p. 598, 6o6 S ERM. LXXXII. The Wifdom, Glory, and Sovereignty of God. Jude xxv. To the only wife God our Saviour, be Glory and Majefly, Dominion and Power, now andever. p. 615 S ERM. LXXXIII. The Wifdom ofGod in the Creation of the World. Pfalm civ. 24. 0 Lord, how manifoldare thy Works ! inTYifdom haft thou made them all. P. 623 SER M. LXXXIV. The Wifdom of God, in his Providence. z Pet. v. 7. Calling all your care upon him, for he carethforyou. p. 629 SERM. LXXXV. The Wifdom of God in the Redemption of Mankind. r Cor. I. 24. ----Chrji, thePower ofGod, and the Wifdom of God. p. 637 Vol. I. c SERM. LXXXVI.