Tillotson - BX5037 T451 1712 v1

xiv The CONTENTS. SERM. LXXXVI. The Juflice of God, in the diftrìbution of Rewards and Puniíhments. Gen. xviii. 25. Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right ? p. 637 S ERM. LXXXVII, The Truthof God. Deut. xxxii. 4. A God of Truth. SERM. LXXXVIII. The Holinefs of God. 1 Pet. T. i 6. Beye holy, for I am holy. S ERM. LXXXIX. Of doing Good. Galat. vi. 9, Io. Let us not be weary in well doing, for in due feafon we fball reap, if wefaint not : As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all Men, efpecially unto them who are of the boufehold offaith. p. 668 S E RM. XC, XCI, XCII, XCIII. The Goodnefs of God. Pfalm cxlv. g. The Lord is good to all, and his tender Mercies are over all his Works. P 676, 682, 688, 696 S ERM. XCIV, The Mercy ofGod. Numb. xiv. 18. The Lord ú long-fifering and ofgreat Mercy. S ERM. XCV, XCVI. The Patience of God, 2 Pet. iii. g. The Lord is not flack concerning his Promife, as fome Men count flacknefs i but is longfuffering to us-ward, not willing that any fhould per but that all fhould come to repentance. P. 711, 717 S ERM. XCVII, XCVIII. The Long-fuffering of God. Ecclef. viii 11. Becaufe fentence again/I an evil work is not executed fpeedily, therefore the heart of the fons of men asfully fat in them to do evil. p. 723, 734 P 653 p. 661 P. 701 S E R M. XCIX. The Power of God. Pfalm lxii. t 1. God bath fpoken once ; twice have I heard this, that Power be- longeth unto God. P. 740 S ERM. C. The Spirituality of the Divine Nature. John iv. 24. God is a Spirit, and they that wodhip him, mzji worfbip him infpirit and in truth. P 748 S ERM.