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Semi. XXI. Of Good Angel's'. 161 It is very hard to imagine, but that a Man of Bellarmine's Underftanding, did intend to give up the Caufe, in his Anfwers to this Text :But if he was in ear- néft, then the Matter is brought to this plain and fhort iffue ; Whether it be fitter for us to believe a. Cardinal of Rome, or an Angel ofGod? Laffly, We fhould imitate the holy Angels, by endeavouring to ferve God as they do, in miniftring to the Good of others. Whílft we are in the Body, in this fiate of infirmity and imperfe&ion ; tho' we cannot ferve God with the fame A&ivity and Vigour that the bleffed Angels do, yet we may in the fame_Sin- cerity, and with the fame true Pleafure and Delight. And we fhould learn alfo of them, to condefcend to the ineaneft Services, for the goodof others. If the Angels, who are no ways allied to us, do fo much excel us, in. the Dignity and Perfe&ion of their Nature, (for- tho' David fays, that God made man little lower than the Angels; his meaning is , that he 'made him next below the Angels in the Rank of Beings ; but yet very diftant from them in Perfe&ion) I fay if thofe glorious Creatures, who are the Chief of the Ways and Works of God, do not think much to humble themfelves to be Minifters.on our behalf;. (hall we be fo proud as to think much to Roop to the loweft Offices, to ferve one another ? You fee, my Brethren, what is the confiant Work and Employment of the Bleffed Spirits above ; to do good to Men, efpecially in order to their Eternal Happinefs ; and this is the higheft Degree. of Charity, and Charity is the higheft Perfe&ion ofMen and Angels : So that to employ our felves, with all our Minds, and with all our Might, to help forward the Salvation ofothers, is to be GoodAn- gels (I had almoft faid to be a kind ofGods) to Men. I hope that we all of us do hope one day to be like the Angels, in the Purity and Perfe&ion oftheir Nature. So our Saviour has told us, that at the Refur- reflion we (hall be like the Angels : Now as they are the Patterns of our Hope and Happinefs ; fo let us make them the Examples ofour Duty and Obedience; according as our. Saviour hath taught us to pray, that God's will may be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven; that is, that we may ferve God, and do his Will here on Earth, (fo far as the Infirmity of our Nature and of our prefent fiate will admit) with the faine Readinefs and Diligence, with the fame.Chearful- nefs and Zeal, that the Holy and Bleffed Angels do in Heaven. And let us afpire continually in our minds, after that Bleffed Tigre, when we fhall be free from Sin and Sorrow, from Af li &ion and Pain, from Difeafes and Death ; when we fhall ferve God without Diftra&ion, and do his Will without wearinefs, and fhall be for ever with the Lord, amidfi an innumerable company of Angels, and the Spirits of jufl men made perfefl. Finally, Let us biefs God, as for all the vifible Effe&s of his merciful Provi- dence towards us, fo likewife for the invifible Aids and Prote&ion of his holy An- gels ; many times probably vouchfafed to us, when we are but little awareof it. But above all, let .us, biers him for his Son, our Lord Jefus Chrift, who was made a little lower than the Angels, that is, a Mortal Man ; that by the Suffering of death for our fakes, he might be cloathed with glory and honour, according to the working of that mighty power which God wrought in Chrift, when he railed him from the dead, and fet him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, far above all Principalities and Powers, and Might, andDo- minion, and every Name that is named, not only in this World, but alfo in that which is tocome. To bim O Father, with thee and the Holy GhoJI, be all Honour and Glory, Dominion and Power, both now and for ever. Amen. Y SERMON