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&rm. XiXIII. andPatterns ofChriJianity. from the Corruption of Humane Nature) therefore the Examples 'off freer Men, liable to Sin as we are, may, in many Refpeds, be more fuitable and accommodate to encourage us to the Imitation of thofe Virtues, which are attainable by us, in. this State ofImperfection ; for which Reafon the Apoftle bath thought fit likewife to propofe to us the higheft Examples of that kind, the- fir_fl Teachers ofour Re- ligion ; for of thefe he Teems to fpeak here in the Text, namely, thofe Atm/lles, or Apoflolical Men, by whom they had been inflruded in the Faith "of Chriff, but who were now departed this Life ; it being very probable, that the Apoftle here fpeaks of fach as were dead, when he lays, Remember them which have the rule over you, (or, thofe that have been your Guides) who have fpoken to yoga the Wordof God, whofe Faith follow, confedering the end oftheir Converfation. I fay this is very probable, becaufe he minds them to remember, which fun- pofeth them to be abfent ; but efpecially, becaufe he minds them to confider the end oftheir Converfation; by which, furely he means the Bleffed State of thofe Good Men after Death ; which is elfewhere called the end of our Faith, even the Salvation of our Souls, s Pet. s. 9. So likewife, Rom. 6. a 2. this is Cid to be the End of a Holy Life ; ye haveyour Fruit canto Holincfs, and the End, ever- lolling Life. And it very much favours this Interpretation, that the Apoftle after- wards fpeaks of the living Guides, and Governours of the Church, Verfe 17. Obey them which have the rule over you, and fubmit your felves, for they watch for your Souls. So that it is highly probable, that the Apoftle here fpeaks of fuch Guides, and Governours of the Church, as had once been over them, but were now departed this Life ; and therefore lie might, with more Freedom and lets Envy, recom- mend their Example to them, and bid them call to mind their Faith, and exem- plary Converfation among them, and propofe it for a Pattern to themfelves, con- fidermg the happy End of it, viz. the Blelled State they were now in, and the Glorious Reward they were made Partakers ofin another Life. In the Words thus explained, you have, I. A Duty enjoyned ; which is, to propofe to our felves, for our Imitation, the Examples of Good Men, that have gone before us ; efpecially the Primitive Patterns of Chriflianity, and the firft Teachers of our Religion. Remember then . which have been your Guides, and have fpoken toyou the Word ofGod, whofe Faith follow. II. The Motive or Encouragement to it, from the Confideration 6f the Reward of it ; confidëring , the endof their Converfation. I. The Duty enjoyned ; which is, to propofe to our felves, for our Imitation, the Example of Good Men that have gone before us ; efpecially the Primitive Patterns ofChriftianity, and firft Teachers ofour Religion. Remember them that have had the rule over you, that have beenyour Guides, and have fpoken to you the Word of God, whofe Faith follow. In which Words the Apoftle bids theist call to mind their firft Guides and Inftrudors in Chriftianity, whom they had. known, and heard, and converfed with in this World, but who were now relied from their Labours, and were receiving the Reward of them ; to remember the Doctrines they had .heard from them, and the Virtues they had feen in them ; and to embrace the one, and imitate the other. Thus we cannot remember the Primitive Teachers, andPatterns of Chriftianity, the Apoftles of our Lord and Saviour ; becaufe we did not perfonally know them, and converfe with them, living at the diftance of manyAges from their Time : But we may do that which is equivalent, and a kind of Remembrance ofthem ; we may commemorate,their Faith, and the Virtue and Holincfs of their Lives ; and what we hear and read of them, we may propofe for Patterns to our felves, and copy them out in our Lives and Altions : And this is our Duty, and the fame in Sub- {lance with theirs, who had the Happinefs to know and converfe with thofe ex- cellent Perlons, to hear them preach, and to fee the Rules and Precepts of that Holy Marine, which they taught, exemplified in their Lives. In the handling of this Argument, I ¡hall do thefe three things. I 9 'L