Tillotson - BX5037 T451 1712 v1

The CONTENTS S ERM. CI. The Immenfity of the Divine Nature. Palm cxxxix. 7, 8, q, no. Whither (hall Igo from thy fpirit ? or whither 'hall I flee from thy prefence ? IfIafcendup into heaven, thou art there ; if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermo/i parts of the fea, even there 'hall thy hand lead me, and thy right bandJhall hold me. P. 755 SERM. CIT. The Eternity of God. Paalm xc. 2. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadfl form- ed the earth and the world, even from everlajling to everlafting thou art God. g. 760 S ERM. CIII. The Incomprehenfiblenefs of God. Job xi. 7. C,an/l thou byfearchingfind out God ? Canfl thoufind out the Almigh- ty unto PerfeSion. p. 765 S ER M. CIV. God the firfl Caufe, and lafl End. Rom. xi. 36. For of him, and through him, and to him are all things, to wham be Glory for ever. Amen. P. 770 xv A fhort Account of the Subjec,is of the feveral SERMONS in thefè Two VOLUMES. In the Fitt VOLUME. SE RMON S from I. to Number XV. and from Page I. to l to. Of Sincerity and Confiancy in the Faith, and Profelion of the true Religion. 6o and Difcourfes on feveral Subjets and Occafions ; from Serm. XV. to LXXV. andfrom Page i io to 559. 29 Sermons and Difcourfes of the Attributes of God, andone of doing Good. From Serm. LXXV. to CV. andfrom Page 559 to 775 In MIOw