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I 7 2 I he Duty of iritatìvg the Primitive Teachers, x/01, I. the living Examples of thofe, who were under a&uaf Perfecution and Sufferings for the Gofpel, v. 3. Remember thofe that are in bonds, and thole that Her adverfity ; and here in the 7. v. he kerns to propofe the Pattern of thofe, who had laid down their Lives and dyed for the Faith ; Remember thofe who have been your Guides, and have fpoken to you the Word of God,_ whofe Faithfollow, con- fidering the End of their Converfation, 7ñv ?gam, "ITS waaç-poQñs, which may be render'd, the loll aíî of their Lives, the manner of their going out ofthe World, perhaps by Martyrdom ; as if he had faid, Imitate them in their Conftancy and Perfeverance in the Faith, even to the laft, in laying down their Lives for it. And thus we fhould be ready to do, if God calls us to it. However, it is certain the Apoftle meant their ,Conftancy and Perfeverance in the Faith, to the loft, and their dying in, if not for the Faith of Chrift. And this is neceflitry, if we ex- pe& the Crown ofLife, and hope for the fame happy End, which they had; for none but they that continue to the end, (hall be faved. 4. We fhould imitate them, in the efficacy and frzsitfulnef of their Faith, in the Pra&ice and Virtues of a good Life. Whole faith follow, confzdering theend of their Converfation, that is, . their Perfeverance in aholy Courfe to the end. And theft muff never be feparated ; a found Faith, and a good Life. Without this, our Faith is barren and dead, as St. yames tells us, ch. 2. V. 17. OurKnowledge and Belief of the Chriftian Dodrine, muff manifeft it felf in a good Converfation. Who is a wife man, (fays the fame St. ernes, ch. 3. v. 13.) Who is a wife man, and endowed with knoevledge among/' you ? Let him fhew out of agood converfa- tion his works. This is afaithful faying, faith St. Paul to Titus, ch. 3. v. 8. and thefe things I will that thou affirm corfantly, that they who have believed in God, be careful to maintain good works. And herein the Apoftles of our Lord and Saviour were eminent Examples. They Lived as they Taught, and Pra&ifed the Dodrine which they Preached. So St. Paul ftridly chargeth Timothy. r Tim. q.. I 2. Be thou an example of the Believers, in word, in converfation, in charity, infaith, in purity. And our Sa- viour tells us, that hereby chiefly falfe Prophets and Teachers might be known from the true Apoftles of Chrift, Matth.-7. 20. By their fruitsyejiall know them. And indeed we do not follow the faith of thofe Excellent Perfons, if we do not abound in all thefruits of righteoufnefs, which, by Jefus Chrifl, are to the praife andglory of God. I come now to the Third and La/t thing I propofed, viz. the Encouragement to this, from the Confideration of the happy ftate of thofe Perfons, who are propofed to us for Patterns, and the glorious Reward which they are made Partakers of in another World. Corefidering the endof their Converfation Tw &Camp, their egrets or de- parture out of this Life, into a Bleffed and Glorious State, where they have re- ceived the Crown and Reward of their Faith and Patience, and Pious Converfation in this World ; or elfe, '(which conies much to one,) corfdering the conclufzon of their Lives, with what Patience and Comfort they left the World, andwith what joyful Affurance of the happy Condition they were going to, and were to conti- nue in for ever. And this is a great encouragement to Conftancy and Perfeverance in Faith and Holinefs, to fee with what Chearfulnefs and Comfort good Men die, and with what a firm and fteddy Perfwafion of the Happinefs they are entring' upon. For who would not be glad to leave the World, in that Calnrnefs and Serenity of Mind, and comfortable Afl'urance of a Bleifed Eternity? Bad Men with this, and are ready to fay with Balaam, Let me die the death of the Righteous, and let ny lat end be like his. But if we would have the Comfort offuch a Death, we muff live inch lives, and imitate the Faith and good Converfation of thofe, whom we defire to refemble in the manner of their Death, and to go into the fame Hap- py State that they are in after Death. If we do not make their Lives our Pat- tern; we mull not expel to be conformable to them, in the happy Manner of their Death. When we hear of the Death of an eminent good Man, we do not doubt but he is happy ; and are confident, that he will meet with the Reward of lais Piety and Goodnefs in another World. If we believe. this of him ; let us endeavour