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182 Vol. I. Preached an All-Saints day. SERMON XXV. The Bleffednefs of Good Men, after Death. R E V. xiv. I 3. And I heard a voice from heaven Paying unto me, Write, Blefed arè the deadwhich die in the Lord, from henceforth : Tea, faith the Spirit, that they may refs' from their labours; and their worts do follow them. Will not trouble you with any nice Difpute about the Author of this Book Iof the Revelation, or the Authority of it;' tho' both thefe were fometimes controverted ; becaufe it is now many Ages fine this Book was received into the Cannon of the Scriptures , as of Divine Authority, and as written by St. John. Nor fhall I at this time enquire into the particular meaning of the .fe- veral Vifions and Predictions contained in it. It is confeffedly in feveral parts ofit, a very obfcure Book ; and there needs no other Argument to fatisfie us that it is fo, than that fo many Learned and InquifrtivePerfons, have given fuch different Interpretations of feveral remarkable Paffages in it; as particularly concerning the flaying of the Two Witneffes, and the number of the Beall. The words which I have read to you, tho' there be fome, difficulty about the Interpretation offome particular Expreflions in them ; yet, in the general Senfeand Intendment of them, they are very plain , being a Solemn Declaration of the BleffedStateof GoodMen after this Life. And that we may take the more notice of them, they are brought in with a great deal ofSolemn Preparation and Addrefs, as it were on purpofe to befpeak our attention to them : I heard a voice from heaven, faying unto me, Write, BlefJed are the dead which die in the Lordfrom henceforth. And for the greater Confir- mation of them, the fpecial Teftimony of the Spirit, is added to the voicefrom Heaven, declaring the Reafon why they that die in the Lord, are Pronounced to 'be in fo happy a Condition : Tea, faith the Spirit, that they may refs from their labours ; and their works dofollow them. In the handlingof thefe words, I (hall Firfl inquire into the particular Senfe and Meaning of them. Secondly, Profecúte the general Intendment of them," which I told you is to de- clare to us, the Bleffed Eflate of thofe that die in the Lord, (that is) of Saints and Good Men, after they are departed this Life. Firfl, I (hall enquire into the particular Senfe and Meaning of the Words. To the clearing of which, nothing will conduce more, than to confider the Occafion of them, which was briefly this. In the Vifions of this and the foregoing Chapter, is reprefented to St. John, the great Straits that the Chriftians, the trueWorfhippers, ofthe True God, fhould be reduced to. On the one hand, they are Threatned with Death ; or if they be fuffered to live, they are interdicted all Commercewith Humane Society, Chap. 13. 15. And be hadpower to caufe, that as many as would not worfhip the Image of the Beall, fhould he killed: And Verfe 17. That no roan may buy or fell, fave he that had the Mark of the Beal. And on the other hand, they that do Worfhip theBeaft, are Threatned with Damnation, Chap. 14. 9, to. If any man do worfhip the Beal, the fame, (hall drink of the wine of the wrath ofGod, and'ball be tormented with fire and brimflone. So that whenever this should happen, it would be a time of great Trial to the fincere Chriftians, being thretttned with Extream Perfecution on the one hand, and Eternal Damnation he