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Serm. V. Of Conflancy in the l'rofefì.on of the Irue Religion. 37 I. To Phew Negatively, wherein this Conflasscy and. Steadinefs in the Profeflìon of the trueReligion Both not confift. And, IL To Phew Pofitively, what is implyed and intended here by the Apoftle, in holdingfall the Profegon ofour Faith without wavering. I. To thew Negatively, wherein this Conftancy and Steadinefs in the Profcffi- on of the true Religion doth not confift. This I fpake to the Taft Day ; and (hew ed at large, that they are Two Things which are not contained and intended in this Exhortation. I. That. Men fhould not have the liberty to examine their Religion, and to enquire into the Grounds and Reafonsof it ; fuch. I mean as are capable of this Examination and Enquiry ; which fome, I (hewed, are not ;, as Children, who while they are in that State, are only fit to learn and believe what is taught them by their Parents and Teachers : And likewife fuch grown Perlons, as either by the natural Weaknefs of their Faculties, or by fume great Difadvantage of Edu- cation, are of a very low and mean Capacity and Improvement of Underftanding> Thefe are to be confìdered, as in the Condition of Children and Learners ; and therefore muff ofneceílìty truft and rely upon the Judgment of others. 2. This holding fait the Profeon ofour Faith without wavering, does not imply, that when Men upon examination and enquiry are fettled, as they think and verily believe, in the true,Religion, they fhould obftinately refufe to hear any Reafon that can be offered agaigft them. Both thefe Principles I (hewed to be un- reafonable, and Arguments of a bad Caute and Religion. I !hall now proceed to explain the meaning of this Exhortation, to hold fall the Profe on of our Faith without wavering, by fhewing in the Second place, what it is that is implied in the conftant and fteady Profeflion of the true Faith and Religion ; namely, that when upon due fearch and exami- nation, we are fully fatisfied, that it is the true Religion which we have embra- ced, or as St. Peter expreffes it, ifi Epifile, 5. 12. that this is the true Grace of God, wherein wve fiai d; that then we fhould adhere ftedfaftly to it, and hold it fgfl, and not fuffer it to be wrefted from us, nor our felves to be moved from it, by any Pretences, or Infinuationt, or Temptations whatfoever : For there is a great deal of difference between the Confidence and Stedfaftnefs of an Ignorant Man, who bath never confsdered Things, and enquired into the Grounds of them ; and the Affuratice and Settlement of one, who bath been well infiruÉted in his Religion, and bath taken pains to fearch and examine to the Bottom, the Grounds and Rea- fons of what he holds and profeffeth to believe. The firft is meet Wilfulnefs and Obftinacy. A Man bath entertained, and drank in fuch Principles of Religion by Education, or bath taken them up by Chance ; but he hath no Reafon for them : And yet however he came by them, he is refolved to hold them fait, and not to part with them. The other is the Refolution and Cohftancy of a Wife Man. He hash embraced his Religion upon good Grounds, and he fees no Reafon to alter, it; and therefore is refolved to flick to it, and to hold (aft the Profegon áf it ltedfaitly to the End. And to this Purpofe there are many Exhortations and Cau- tions fcattered up and down the Writings of the Holy Apoftles; as that we fhould be ffedfafl and immoveable, eflablifhed in the Truth, rooted and ;rounded in the. Faith, and that we fhould hold fall that which is good, and not fuller our felves to be carried too and frowith every wind of Dodlrine; through the flight of Men, and the cunning craftinefs of thole that lie in wait to deceive; that we fhould not be removed from him that bath called us unto the grace of Chri%l, onto ano- ther Gofpel ; that we fhould fiendfall in one Spirit and one Mind, (,riving to- gether for the Faith of the Gofpel, and be in nothing terrified by our Adverfaries; and that if occafion be, we fhould contend earnefllly for theFaith which was once delivered unto the Saints ; and here in the Text, that we fhould hold fait the ProfeIon of our Faith without wavering. For the explaining of this, I (hall do two Things I..Confider what it is that we are to holdfall; nafrselyi the Prófefien Of our Faith; And, 11 Hate