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it 40 Of Conflancy in the Profeffìon ofthe True Religion. Vol. I. For infiance ; That the Church ofRome is the Mother and M1refs of all Churches ; which is one ofthe new Articles of Pope Pius the IVth's. Creed ; and yet there is not onèSyllable in Scripture tending to this purpofe. A-nd in Reafon it cannot be, that any but that which was the firft Chriftian Church, fhould be the Mother of all Churches ; and that the Church of Rome certainly was not, and the Church of Jerufalem undoubtedly was. And then that the Bithop ofRome, as Succeffor of St. Peter there, is the Su- preme and Univerfal Pallor of Chr /'s Church by Divine Appointment, as he af- fumes to hitnfelf; and that it is neceffatyto Salvation, for every humane, Creature to befubjeEl to theBifbop ofRotne, as is declared in their Canon-Law by aConftitu- tion of Pope Boniface the VIIIth, whichConftitution is confirm'd in the laft La- teran Council'; of all which there is not the leaft Mehtion in Scripture, nor any Divine Appointment to that purpofe to be found there. And it is againft Reafon, that all the World fhould be obliged to trudge to Rome for the Decifion of Caufs and Differences, which in many, and the molt weighty Matters, are refereed to theDecifion of that See, and can be determined no where elfe. And againft Rea- fon likewife it is to found this Univerfal Supremacy in his being Succeffor ofSt. Peter ; and to fix it in the Bithop of Rome, rather than at Antioch ; when it is certain, and granted by themfelves, that St. Peter was first Bithop of Antioch, and out of all (Zueftion, that he was Bithop ofAntioch ; but not fo, that he was Bifhop of Rome. Nor is there any thing in Scripture for the Deliverance ofSouls out ofPurga- tory by the Prayers and Males of the Living. The whole Thing is groundlefs, and not agreeable to the confiant Suppofitions of Scripture concerning a future State. Nor is there anyReafon for it, betides that which is not fit to be given, the Wealth and Profit which it brings in. The Invocation and Worfhip of the BleJJed Virgin, and of all the Saints de- parted, is deftitute of all Scripture -warrant or Example, and confeffed by them- felves not to have been owned or pra&ifed in the threefirft Ages ofthe Church, becaufe it looked too like the Heathen Idolatry; which deferves to be well confi- dered by tliofe who pretend to derive their whole Religion from Chrift and his Apoftles by a continued and uninterrupted Succeffion. And this Pra&ice is like- wife deftrtute of all colour of Reafon unlefs we be allured, that they hear our Prayers in all Places; which we cannot be, unlefs they be prefent in all Places, which they themfelves do not believe ; or that God Both fome way or other reveal and make known to them the. Prayers which are made to them, which we cannot pofibly be allured of, but by fame Revelation of God to that Purpofe; which we no where find, nor doth the Church of Rome pretend to it. But I proceed to the. 2d Thing ; namely, That we fhould much more hold faß the Profeffïon ofour Faith and 'Religion, against the Confidence of Men, contrary to Scripture, and Reafon, and the common Senfe of Mankind: For thefe are the chief Grounds of Certainty, which we can have for or againft any Thing ; and if thefe be clearly on our fide, we ought not to be much moved by the Confidence of Men, con- cerning any Do&rives or PraElices of Religion, which are plainly contrary to thefe. If in Points wherein we have this Advantage on our fide, we do not hold fiat the Profe/fon of our Religion, our Error and Folly are capable of no Ex- cufe. And this Advantage we plainly have in feveral Points and Controverfiesbe- twixt us and the Church of Rome. As in the Worfhip of Images ; which is as exprefly and clearly forbidden in the Second Commandment, and that without any Diftrn&ion, as any other thing is forbidden in the whole Bible. And that it is fo forbidden in this Command- ment; and that this Commandment is ftilI in force among Christians, was the Univerfal Senfe ofthe ancient Chriflian Church. Prayers and the Service of God in an unknown Tongue are dire&ly contrary to the very Nature and 'End of Religious Worfhip, which ought to be a Reafonable Service ; which it cannot be, if it be not dire&ed byour Underftandings, and accompanied with our Hearts and Affe&ions : But if it be performed in an un- known