Tillotson - BX5037 T451 1712 v1

43 SERVION VI. The Tbird Sermon on sift Text, Of Conftancy in the Profeffion of the True Religion. H E B. X. 23. Let us holdfaß the proflion of our Faith without wavering; for he is faithful that promifed. IN thefe Words, I have told you, are contained Firl, An Exhortation to hold faß the Profefion of our Faith, or Hope, with- out wavering. Secondly, An Argument or Encouragement thereto ; becaufe he is Faithful that promifed. I am yet upon the firfi of thefe; the Exhortation to Chriftians, to be Conftant and Steady in the Profeflion of their Religion : Let as hold fzfl the Profe/lion of our Faith without wavering. And that we might the better com- prehend the true and full Meaning of this Exhortation, I {hewed, Firfi, Negatively, what is not meant and intended by it. And I mentioned thefe two Particulars. r. TheApoftle doth not hereby intend, that thofe who are capable of enquiring into, and examining the Grounds of their Religion, fhould not have the Liberty to do it. Nor, 2. That when upon due Enquiry and Examination, Men ate fettled, as they think and verily believe, in the true Faith and Religion, they should obftinately ref ufe to hear any Reafon that can be offered against their ptefent Perfwafion. Both thefe I (hewed to be unreafonable, and Arguments of a bad Caufe and Re- ligion : And therefore neither of them can be intended by the Apoftle in this Exhortation. Secondly, I proceed Pofitively to explain the Meaning of this Exhortation. And to this purpofe I propofed, I. To confider what it is, that we are to hold fall, viz. the Confelon or Pro-. Mon of our Faith. The ancient Chriftian Faith, of which every Chriftian makes Profefon in his I3aptifin : For of that the Apoftle here fpeaks, as appears by the Context ; not the doubtful and uncertain Traditions of Men, nor the im- perious Pillates and Do&rines ofanyChurch not contained in the Holy Scriptures, impofed upon the Chriflian Church ; tho' with never fo confident a Pretence of the Antiquity ofthe Do&rives propofed, or cf the, Infallibilitjr of the Propofers of them. And then I proceeded in the IId. Place, to {hew how we are to hold fall the Profefon of our Faith with- out wavering. And I mentioned thefe following Particulars, as probably implied in the Apoftle's Exhortation. r. That we Ihould holdfall the Profifflon of our Faith, againft the Confidence of Men, without Scripture or Reafon to fupport their Confidence. a. And much more againft the Confidence of Men, againft Scripture and Rea-, fon, and thecommon Senfe ofMankind, 3. Againft all the Temptations and Terrors of the World. q.. Againft all vain Promifes of being put into a fafer Condition, and ground -= lefs Hopes of getting to Heaven upon eager Terms, in another Religion. 5. Against all the cunning Arts and Infinuations of bufie and difputing Medï, whofe Defign it is to unhinge Men from their Religion, and to gain Profelytes to their Party and Fallion.