Tillotson - BX5037 T451 1712 v1

688 The Goodnefs óf God. Vo1.I: tarty revealed to us ; but this is certain, thatby wilful tranfgref ion we have for. feited all that Happinefs which our Natures are capable of In this lapfed and ruinous condition of Mankind, the Goodnefs and Mercy of God was pleafed to employ his Wifdom for our Recovery, and to refiore us, not only to a new, but a greater capacity of Glory and Happinefs. And in order to this, the Son of God affumes our Nature, for the recovery and redemption of Man ; and the pardon of Sin is purchafed for us by his Blood ; Eternal Life, and the way to it, areclear- ly difcover'd to us. God is pleafed to enter into a new and better Covenant with us, and to afford us inward graceand affiftance, toenable us to perform the Con- ditions of it ; and gracioufly to accept of our Faith and Repentance, of our fin- cere Refolutions and Endeavours of Holinefs and Obedience, for perfect and coni- pleat Righteoufnefs, for his fake who fulfilledall Righteoufnefs. This is the great and amazing Goodnefs of God to Mankind, that when we were in open Rebellion againft him, he 1ltquld entertain Thoughts of Peace and Reconciliation ; and when he paft by the fallen Angels, he fhould fet his Atfe- dlion and Love upon the finful and miferable Sons of Men. And herein is the lime of God to Men perfeiled, that as he bath made all Creatures, both above us, and below us, fubfervientand inftrumental to our fubfiftence and prefervation ;fo, for the ranfom of our Souls fromEternal Ruin and Mifery, he hath not fearedhis own Son, but bath given him up to death for us ; him, whom be bath commanded all the Angels of God to worfhip, and to whom he hath made fubjet all Creatures is Heaven and Earth ; Him, who made the World, and who upholds all things by the wordof his Power, who is the brightnefs of his Glory, and the exprefs Image of his Perfora. And after fuch a flupendious Inftance as this, what may we not reafonably hope for, and promife our felves from the Divine Goodnefs ! So the Apoftle hath taught us to reafon, Rom. 8. 31. He that [parednot his own Son, but deliveredhim up for us all, hew fall he not with him alfo freely give us all things l SERM O N XCII. The Goodnefs of God. Ps AL. CXLV. 9. The Lord isgood to all, and his tender Mercies are over all his Works: IN handling this Argument, I proceeded in this Method. Firft, To confider what is the proper Notion of Goodnefs. Secondly, To fhew that this Perfeáion of Goodnefs belongs to God. Thirdly, I confidered the Effec`ls of the Divine Goodnefs under thefe Heads: I. The univerfal Extent of it, in the number, variety, order, end, and defign of the things created by him, and his prefervation and providing for. the Welfare and Happinefs of them. II. I confidered more particularly the Goodnefs of God to Mankind, of which I gave thefe four Inftances. z. That he bath given us fuch noble Beings, and placed us in fo high a rank and order of his Creatures. a. In that he bath made and ordained fo many things chiefly for us. I. In that he exercifeth fo peculiar a Providence over us above the reit, that tho he is faid to be good to all, he is only faid to love the Sons of Men. q. In that he bath provided for us Eternal Life and Happinefs. There only now remains the Fourth and Lift Particular to be fpoken to, which was to anfwer forne Obje- dlioas