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690 The Goodnefs of God. Vol. L World; the other infinitely evil, to which they afcribed all the Evils that are in the World. But befides that the Notion ofan infinite Evil is a contradiction, it would be to no purpofe to fuppofe two cppofite Principles of equal power and force. That the veryNotion of an infinite Evil is a contradiction, will be very clear, if we confider, that what is infinitely evil, mutt be infinitely imperfect, and con- fequently infinitely weak ; and for that reafon, tho' never fo mifchievous and ma- licious, yet being infinitely weak, and ignorant, and foolifh, would neither be in acapacity to contrive Mifchief, nor to execute it. But admit, that a Being infinitely mifchievous, were infinitely cunning, and infinitely powerful, yet it could do no evil ; becaufe the oppofite Principle of Infinite Goodnefs, being alto infinitely wife and powerful, they would tie up one anothers hands ; fo that up. on this fuppofition, the Notion of a Deity would lignifie jutt nothing, and by virtue of the Eternal Oppofition and Equality ofthefe twô Principles, they would keep one another at a perpetual Bay, and being an equal match for one another inftead of being two Deities, they would be Two Idols, able to do neither Good nor Evil.. - But to return a more diftinct and fatisfaáoryAnfwer to this Objection ; there are three forts of Evil in the World theEvil ofImperfeáion ; the Evil ofAtli- áion and Suffering ; and the Evil of Sin. And aft, For the Evil of Imperfeáion, I mean natural Imperfections, thefe are not (imply and abfolutely, but only comparatively Evil ; now comparative Evil is but a lefs degree of Goodnefs ; and it is not at all inconfiÇent with the Goodnefs of God, that fome Creatures fhould be lefs good than others, that is, imperfeá in comparifon of them nay, it is very agreeable both to the Goodnefs and Wifdom of God, that there fhould be this variety in the Creatures, and that they fhould be of feveral.degrees of Perfeáion, being made for feveral Ufes and Purpofes, and to be fubfervient to one another, provided they all contribute to the Harmony and Beauty of the whole. Some Imperfeáion is neceffarily involved in the very Nature and Condition of a Creature, as that it derives its Being from another,and neceffarily depends upon it, and is beholden to it, and is likewife of neceflity finite and limited in its Na- ture and Perfections ; and as for thofe Creatures which are lefs perfect than others, this alto that therefhould be degrees of Perfeáion, is neceffary, upon fuppofition, that the Wifdom of God thinks fit to difplay it felf in variety of Creatures of feveral kinds and ranks. For tho' comparing the Creatures with one another, the Angelical Nature is beft and molt perfect ; yet it is abfolutely belt, that there Mould be other Creaturesbefides Angels. There are many parts of the Creation, which are rally and inconfiderately by us concluded to be evil and impeded, as fome noxious and hurtful Creatures, which yet in other refpe ts, and to fome purpofes, may be very ufeful, and againft the harm and mifchief whereof we are fufficiently armed, by fuch means of defence, and fuch antidotes as reafon and experience are able to find and furnifh us withal; and thofeparts of the World, which we think of little or no ufe, as Rocks and Defarts, and that vaft Wilder- nefs of the Sea, if we confider things well, are ofgreat ufe to feveral very con- fiderable purpofes ; or if we can difcern no other ufe of them, they ferve at leaft to help our dulnefs, and to make us more attentively to confider, and to admire the perfection and ufefulnefs of the re1t ; at the worn, they may ferve for Foils to fet off the wife order and contrivance of other things, and (as one expreffetl; it very well) they may be like a Blackmoor's Head in a Picture, which gives the greater Beauty tö the wholePiece. idly, For the Evils of Affliction and Suffering ; and thefe either befal brute Creatures, or Men endow'd with Reafon and Confideration. ift, For thofe which befal the. brute Creatures ; thofe Sufferings which Nature inflicts upon them are very few ; the greateft they meet withal are from Men, or upon their account, for whole fake they were chiefly made, and to whole reafo- nable ufe and gentle dominion they are configned, It