err:XCíI. The GoodnefsofGod. 695 geance was not executed upon them, till they were grown ripe for it. God (pared them for above four hundred Years, for fo long their growing Impiety is taken notice of, Gen. t 8. 2.8. where is it Paid, That the iniquity of the Arnorites was not yet full; God did not proceed to cut them off, till their cafe was defpe- rate, pall all hopes of recovery, till the land was defiled with abominations,'and furcharged with wickednefs, to that degree, as tofpueout its Inhabitants, as is ex- prefly laid, Levit. 18. a4. When they were arrived to this pitch, it was no mercy to them to fpare them any longer, to heap up more guilt and mifery to themfelves. Fifthly and Laffly, As for the great Calamities which God brought upon the yews, efpecially in their final ruin and difperfion, at the deflrucftiòn of7erufálem; dot to infift upon the known Hiftory of their multiplied Rebellions and Provoca- tions, of their difpiteful ufage of God's Prophets, whom he fent to warn them of his Judgments, and to call them to repentance, of their obftinate refufalto re- ceive Correction, and to be brought to amendment, by any means that God could ufe ; for all which Provocations, he at laft delivered them into their Ene- mies hands, to carry them away Captive; not to infili upon this, I thall only confider their final deftrucion by the Romans, which tho' it be dreadfully fevere, beyond any Example ofHiflory ; yet the Provocation ,was proportionable; for this Vengeance did not come upon them, till they had is it were extorted it, by the moft obftinate impenitentcy and unbelief, in rejet7ing the Counfel ofGoda- gainfl themfelves, and refifling fach means as would have brought Tyre and Sidon, Sodom and Gomorrah to repentance ; till they had defpifed the Doélrine of Life and Salvation, delivered to them by the Son ofGod, and confirmed from Heaven by the cleareft and. greateft Miracles; and by wicked hands had crucifiedand flain the Son of God, and the Saviour ofthe World. Nay, even after this greateft of fins that ever was committed, God waited for their Repentance forty Years, to fee if in that time they would be brought to a fenfe of their fins, and to know the things which belongedto their peace. And no wonder if after filch provocations, and fo much patience, and fo obflinate an impenitency, the Goodnefs ofGod at laft gave way to hisjuffice, and wrath came upon them to the utmofl. So that all thefe Inftances rightly confidered are rather Commendations of the Di- vine Goodnefs, than juf and reafonable Objetlions againft it, and notwithftanding the feverityofthem, it is evident that God is good, fromtheprimary inclinationsof his nature; andfevere only upon necefity, and in cafe of jugprovocation. And to be otherwife, not to punifh infolent Impiety and incorrigible Wickednefs, in a fevere and remarkable manner, would not be goodnefs, but a fond indulgence; not patiencebut flupidity ; not mercy to Mankind, but cruelty; becaufe it would be an encouragementto them to do more mifchief, and to bring greater mifery upon themfelves. So that if We fuppofe God to be holyand jail, as well as good, there is nothing in any of thefe Inftances, but what is very confiftent with all that goodnefs which we can fuppofe to be in a holy, and wife, andjufl Governour, who is a decla- red Enemy to Sin, and is refolved togive all fitting difcountenagce to the breach and violation of his Laws. It is neceffary in kindnefs and compaiflon to the reff of Mankind, that force fhould be made remarkable Inftances of God's feverity, that the punifhment of a few may be a warning to all, that they may hear and fear, and by avoiding the like fins may prevent the like feverity upon them- felves. And now I have, as briefly as I could, explained and vindicated the Goodnefs of God ; the confederation whereofis-fruitful of many excellent and ufeful Inferen- ces, in relation both to our Comfort and our Duty. But thefe I fhalhrefer to anod ther opportunity. SERMON