Tillotson - BX5037 T451 1712 v1

698 ; The Goodnefs ofGod. . Vol. I, , Men have entertained concerning God, if they be not fet on and heightened by Melancholy (as many times they are) may be rectified by a true reprefentation pf the Goodnefs of God, confirmed by Reafon and Scripture. Manygood Men have had very hard and injuriousThoughts of God inftill'd into them, fromDo- trines too commonly taught and received ; as if he did not fincerely delire the happinefs of his Creatures, but had. from all Eternity decreed to make the grea- tenpart of Mankind, with a fecret purpofeand defign to make them miferable and confequently were not ferions and in good earne1 in his Invitations and Ex- hortations of Sinners to Repentance ; and it is no wonder if fuch Jealoufies as thefecoricerning God, make Men doubtful whether God love them, and very fcrupulous and anxious about their everlafting condition. I have already told you that thefe harlh Dotrines have no manner of Foun- dation; either in Reafon or Scripture that God earneftly del res our Happinel, and affords us fufficient Means to that End ; that he bears a more hearty good will to us, than any Man does to his Friend, or any Father upon Earth ever did to l is dearett Child ; in comparifon of which, the greateft Affetionof Men to thofe whom they love heft, is but as the drop of the Bucket, as the very fmallDuJl upon the Balance. If we have right apprehenfions of God's goodnefs, we can have no temptation to defpáir of his kind and merciful Intentions tous, provided we be but careful of our Duty to him, and do fincerely repent and forfake our Sins. Plainer Declarations no words can make, than thofe we meet with in the,Holy Scriptures, That God bath nopleafure in the death of the wicked, but rather that he lhould turn from his wickednefs and live ; that he would have all men tobe faved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth ; that he is long-fuffering to us-ward; not wil- ling that any lhouldperifh, but that all lhould come to repentance ; that he that con- feffeth and forfaketh his fin (hall have merry ; that if the wicked forfake his ways, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and return unto the Lord, he will have mercy, andwill abundantlypardon. As for outward Calamitiesand Afflictions, the confiderationof God's goodnefs is a firm ground of confolation to us, giving us affurance, that God will either prevent them by his Providence, or fupport us under them, or refcue us out of them, or turn them to our greater good and happinefs in this World orthe next. St. Paul fpeaks of it as the firm belief and perfuafion of all good Men, that in the iifue all their AfRitions lhould prove to their advantage. We know (lays he) that all things (hall work together for good to them that love God ; and one of the greateft. Evidences of our love to God, is a firm belief and perfuafion of hisgood- nefs ; if we believe his goodnefs, we cannot but love him, and if we love him, all things /ball work together for our good. And this is agreat Cordial to thofe who are under grievous Perfecutions and Sufferings, which is the cafe of our Brethren in a Neighbour Nation, and may come to be ours, God knows how foon. But tho' the malice of Men be great, and back'd with a power not tobe controll'd by any vifible means, and therefore likely to continue ; yet thegoodnefs of God is greater than the maliceofMen, and of a longer duration and continuance. And thus Davidcomforted himfelf, when he was perfecuted by Saul, Pfal. Sz. r. Why boafleft thou thy Pelf in mifchief, 0 mighty man ? the goodnefs of God enduréth continually. The Perfecution which Saul railed againft him was very powerful,and fatted a long time ; but he comfortshim- felf with this, that the Goodnefs of God. endures forever. IV. The confederation of God's Goodnefs, is a powerful Motive and Argument to feveral Duties. r. To the Love of God. And this is the moll proper and natural etfeét and operation of the Goodnefs of God upon our Minds. Several of the Divine At- tributes are very awful, but goodnefs is amiable, andwithout this nothing elfe is fo. Power and Wifdom may command Dread and Admiration ; but nothing but. Goodnefs can challenge our Love and Affetiou. Goodnefs is amiable for it felt, tho' no benefit and advantage lhould from thence redound to us; but when we find the comfortable Effets of it, when the riches of God's Goodnefs, and long- fuffering, and forbearance, are laid out upon us, when we live upon that good- nefs,