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Semi. XCIII. The Goodnefs of God. nets, and are indebted to it for all that we have and hope for, this is a much greater endearment:to us of that excellency and perfeâtion, whichwas amiable for it fel. We cannot but love him who is good, and does usgood ; whole good- nefs extends to all his Creatures, but is exercifed in fo peculiar a manner towards the Sons of Men, that it is called Love ; and if God vouchfafe to love us, well may this be thefull and great Commandment; ThoúJlalt love the Lord thy Godwith all thine heart, and with all thy foul, and with all thy mind a. The confideration of God's Goodnefs is likewife an argument to us to fear him ; not as a Slave does his Maher, but as a Child does his Father, who the more he loves him, the more afraid is he to offend him. There is forgivenefs with thee (faith the Pfalmifl) that thou mayefl be feared ; becaufe.God is ready to forgive, we fhould be afraid tooffend. Men (hall fear the Lord and his goodnefs; (faith the Prophet) Hofea 3. 5. And indeed nothing ismore to be dreaded, than defpifed Goodnefs and abúfed Patience, which turns into Fury and Vengeance defpifefl thou the riches of his goodnefs, andlongfuffering, and forbearance, (lays the Apoflle,) and treafurefl up to thy felf wrath againfl the day of wrath, and therevela- tion of the righteousjudgment of God ? 3. The confideration of God's goodnefs, is a powerful motive to obedience to his Laws, and as the Apoftle expreffeth it, to walk worthy of the Lord unto all well pleating, being fruitful in every goodwork. This Argument Samuel ufeth tothe People of Ifrael, to,perfuade. them to obedience, z Sam. Is.. 4. Only fear the Lord and ferve him in truth, with allyour heart forc000fider what great things he bath done for you. And indeed the Laws which God hath given us, are none of the leaf} Inflan- ces of his goodnefs to us, lince they all tend to our good, and are proper Caufes and Means of our Happinefs ; fo that in challenging our obedience tohis Laws, as acknowledgments of our obligation to him for his Benefits, he lays a new ob- ligation, and confers a greater benefit upon us. All thathis Laws require of us, is to do that which is bell for our felves, and does moll directly conduce to our own Welfare and Happinefs. Confidering our Infinite`Obligations to God, he might have challenged our obedience to the feverefl and harfheft Laws he could have impofed upon us ; fo that as the Servants Paid toNaaman, Hadthe Prophet bid thee to do foroegreat thing, wouldji thou not have done it ? howmuch more when he bath onlyfail, wa/h and be clean? If God had required of us things very grie- vous and burthenflme, in love and gratitude to him we ought to have yielded a ready and chearful obedience to fuch Commands ; how much more, when he hath only Paid, Do this and be happy ? In teflimony of your love to me, do thefe things which are the greateft kindnefsand benefit to your felves. 4. the Goodneß of God fhould lead Men to Repentance. One of the greateft ag- gravattonns of our Sins is, thatwe offend againft fo much goodnefs, and make fo bad a requital for it ; Doye thus requite the Lord, 0foolifb people and unwife! The proper tendency of God's Goodnefs and Patience to Sinners, is to bring them to a fenfe of their.mifcarriage, and to a refolution of a better courfe. When we re- fledupon the bleffings and favours of God and his continual goodnefs to us, cari we chufe but be afhamed of our terrible ingratitude and difobedience ? Nothing is more apt to make an ingenuous Nature to relent, than the fenfe of undeferved kindnefs ; that God fhould;be fo good to us, who are evil and unthankful to him that tho' we be Enemies to him, yet when we hunger, he feeds to ; when we thirfl, he gives us to drink ; heaping as it were coals offire on our heads, on purpofe to melt us into Repentance, and to overcome our evil by his goodneß. 5. The confideration of God's goodneß; is a firm ground of truft and confidence; What may we not hope and alfuredly expe t from immenfe and boundlefs good- nefs ? If we have right apprehenfions of the Goodnefs of God, we cannot pofli_ bly diftruft him, or doubt of the performance of thefe gracious promifes which he hath made to us ; the fame goodnefs which inclined him to make fuch promi fes, will effeEtually engage him to make them good. If God be fo good as he hath declared himfelf, why fhould we think that he will not help us in our need, Uuuu a and 695$