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Serm.XUIV. The MercyofGod. 7o3 titude of God's mercies ; and of the variety of them, Neh. 9. x8. In thy manifold mercies thou forfakefl them not. So many are they, that we are faid to be fur- rounded and compared about on every fide with them ; Pfal. 103.4. Who crown- eth us with loving kindnefs and tender mercies. And yet farther to Pet forth the greatnefs of them, the Scripture ufeth all di- menfions. Heighth, Pfal. 57. co. thy mercy is great unto the Heavens. Nay, higher yet ; Pfal. i o8. 4. Thy mercy is great above the Heavens. For the. Latitude, and Extent of it, 'tis as large as the Earth, and extends to all the Creatures in it ;. Pfal. 109. 64. The earth is full of thy mercy. Pfal. s45. 8. His tender mercies are over all his works.. For the length, or duration and continuance of it ; Exod. 34. 7. Laying up mercy in /lore for thoufands of generations, one after another. Nay, it is of a longer continuance ; Pfal. 118. 'tis feveral times repeated, That his mercy enclureth for ever. And to fhew the intenfe degree of this affeéfion of mercy or pity, the Scrip- ture ufeth feveral emphatical Expreffions to fet it forth to us. The Scripture fpeaks of the tender mercies of God, Pfal. 15. 6. Remember, 0 Lord, thy tender mercies. Yea, of the multitude of thefe, Pfal. 5e. r. According to the multitude of thy tender mercies Mot out my tranfgreons. Jam. 5.1x. The Lordis very,pitiful andof tender mercy. They are called God's Bowels, which are the tenderefi parts, and apt to yern and fir in us when any Affections of Love and Pity are excited, Ifa, 63. z 5. Where is the founding of thy bowels, and of thy mercies, are they re- flrained ? Luke 1. 78. Through the tender mercy of our God. So it is in our Tran- flátion ; but if we render it from the Original, tis through the bowels of the mer- cies of our God. How doth God condefcend in thofe pathetical Expreffions, which he ufeth concerning his People ? Hof. u. 8. How Jhall Igive thee up, Ephraim ? mine heart is turned withinme, andmy repentings are kindledtogether. Nay, to ex- prefs his tender fenfe of our Miferies and Sufferings, he is reprefented as being affliçted with us, and bearing a part in our Sufferings ; Ifa. 63.9. In all their Af- fliflions he was afflitled. The compaffions of God are compared to the tendereft Affe6hons among Men ; to that of a Father towards his Children ; Pfal. 103. 13. As a Father pitieth his Children, fo the Lordpitieth them that fear him. Nay, to the Compaffions of a Mother towards her Infant ; Ifa. 49. 5o. Can a Woman forget her fucking child, that fhe fhould not have compafon on the fon of her womb ? Yea fhe may, 'tis poi fible, tho' molt unlikely : but tho' a Mother may turn unnatural ; yet God can- not be unmerciful. In lhort, the Scripture doth every where magnifie the mercy of God, and fpeak of it with all poffible advantage; as if the Divine Nature, which doth in all Perfeáions excel all others, did in this excel it felf. The Scripture fpeaks of it as if God was wholly taken up with it, as if it was his confiant Exercife and Employment, fo that in comparifon of it, he doth hardly difplay any other excel- lency ; Pfal. 2.5.10. All thepaths ofthe Lordare mercy ; as if in this World God had a defign to advance his mercy above his other Attributes. The mercy of God is now in the Throne, this is the day of mercy, and God doth difplay it many times with a feeming difhonour to his other Attributes, his Juffice, and Holinefs, and Truth. His Juflice ; this makes Job complainof the long life and profperity of the wicked ; Job41.7. Wherefore do the wicked live, yea become old? &c. Ids Holinefs ; This makes the Prophet expoftulate with God, Hab. 1.13: Thou art of purer eyes than to beholdevil, and canfi not look on iniquity. Wherefore fookell tháù upon them that deal treacheroufly, and holdefl thy tongue ? &c. And the truth of God ; This makes Jonahcomplain, as if God's mercies were fach asdid make Tome refle6tion upon his truth, Jon. 4. x. But that we may have more diftinâ apprehenfions of the greatnefs and num- ber of God's ,mercies; I will diftribute them into kinds, and rank them under feveral Heads. 'Tis mercy to prevent thofe evils and miferies that we are liable to. 'Tis mercy to defer thofe evils that we have deferved, or to mitigate them. 'Tis mercy to fupport and comfort us when mifery is upon us. 'Tis mercy to deliver us from them. But the greateft mercy of all is, to remit the evil and miter¡