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erm. VII. Of Conftancy in the Prof fJîon of the True lieligio;e. 5q it prudent likewife. for this Man tò trtïft his own judgment in the main Bufiaefs of all ; namely, Which is the true Church and Religion,; concerning which he is as fallible in his Judgment, and as liable to be deceived, as in the Particular Points ? And if he be miffaken in the main Point,. they muff grant his Miftake to be fatal ; becaufe his Sincerity, as to all the reff, depends. upon it. 'This is agreat Myftery and Riddle, that every particular Man fhould have fo fufficient a Judgment as to this main and fundamental Bufinefs, which is the True Church and Religion : And fhould have no Judgment at all about particular Points, fit to be trufted and relied upon ! As if there were a certain Judgment and Prudence, guo ad hoc ; and as if all Mens Underffandings were fo framed, as to be very judiciousand difcerning in this main Point of Religion ; but to be weak, and dan- gerous, and blind, as to all particular Points : Or, as ifa Man might have a very good Judgment, and be fit to be (ruffed and relyed upon, before he come into their Church; but from the very Moment he enters into it, his Judgment were quite loft and good for nothing : For this in effe& and by Interpretation they fay, when they allowa Man to be very able to judge which is the true Church and Re- ligio.n ; but fo foon as he hath difcovered and embraced that, to have no Judgment of his ownafterwards of any Point of Religion whatfoever ; and a very tempting Argument it is to any Man that hath Judgment, to enter into that Church. 2. Another Art they ufe with their intended Profelyte, in order to his make- ing a right Choice of his Religion, is to caution him, to hear and read only the Arguments and Books which are on one fide. But now admitting their defigned Profelyte to be juft fuch a Judge, and fo far as they will allow him to be, and no farther, viz. Which is the true Church ; but to have no fitnefs and Ability, at all to judge of particular Points of Faith : Yet methinks they put a very odd Condition, and untoward Reffraint upon this Judge, in telling him, (as they cer- tainly ufe to do thofe whom they would pervert) That he muff have no Dif- courfe, nor read any Books, but onlyon that fide which they would gain him to ; becaufe that is`the way to perplex and confound him, fo that he Thal! never be able to come to 'a clear Judgment and Refolution in the Matter. But will any Man admit this way of proceeding in a Temporal Cafe ? This is jufl as if in a Caufe of the greateff confequence, the Councel on that fide fhould go about to perfwade the Judge, that it is only fit to hear what he hath to fay in the Cafe; that he will open it very plainly, and date the Matter in difference fo clearly and impartially, and bring fuck ftrong Reafons and Proofs for what he fays, that he (hall not need to hear any thing on the other fide, but may proceed to Judgment without any more ado : But if when the matter is thus laid before him fo plainly, and is even ripe for Judgment; he will trouble himfelf needlefly to bear the other fide ; this will caft them back where they firff began, and bring the Matter to an endlefs wrangling, and fo confound and puzzle his Underftandiug, that he (hall never be able to pafs any clear Judgment in the Caufe. What think we would a Judge fay to fuch a bold and fenfelefs Pleader ? The Cafe is the fame, and the Abfurdity every whit as grofs and palpable, in prefling any Man to make a Judgment in a Matter which infinitely more concerns him, upon hearing only the Reafons and Arguments on one fide. 3. Another Art which they ufe in making Profelytes, is to poffefs them, that there is but One thing that they are mainly concern'd to enquire into; and that is this ; Since there is but one true Catholick Church of Chrift upon Earth, out of which there is no Salvation to be had ; Which that true Church is ? And when they have found that out, that will teach then in a mofl infallible way the True Faith and Religion, and all things that are neceffary to be believed or done by them, in order to their Salvation ; fo that they have nothing to do, but to fitisfie themfelves in this fingle Enquiry, which is the True Catholick Church of Chrift? This is the Unum neceffarium, the one thing neceffary ; and when they have found out this, and are fatisfied about it, they need to enquire no farther, this Church will fully inffruet and fatisfie them in all other things. And this I cannot deny to he a very Artificial way of proceeding, and to ferve their purpofe very well ; for they have thefe two great Advantages by it. is That