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74° The Power of God. vol. Ì. Life, we Ihall not be permitted to live it ever again to i mprove it better. Cur State of Trial ends with this Life, after that God will prove us no more; then we luall with, 0 that Ihadknown in that my day , the things which belonged to my . peace, but now they are hidfrom mine eyes ; therefore to day , whillì it is called to d harden h not your earts, make no tarrying to turn to the Lord, andputnot off from day to day ; forfuddenly fha11 the wrath of the Lord breakforth, and in thyfecurity thou alt b d/1 e e rò ; rci repentance in the time of health , and defer not till death to beMilled. yed exe fe S F, R M O N XCIX. The Power of God. P s A L. LXII. t i. God bathfpoken once . twice have I heard this, that Powrr belongeth unto God. TN treating of the Attributes of God, I have confider'd thole hich relate to 1 the Divine Underflanding, to which I referr'd his Knowledge and W7ijdom ; thofe allo which relate to the Divine YVill ; viz. God's Juflice, Truth, Holinefs, and Goodnefs: I come now to confider his Power of Ailing, which is his Omnipo- tency.; this I (hall fpeak to from thefe words. In the beginningof this Pfalm, Daviddeclares that God was the great Object of his Truft and Confidence, and that all his Hopes and Expectation of Safety and Deliverance were from him, v. s, a. And this makes him challenge his E- nemies for all their mifchievous Qualities and Devices againft him, as vain at- tempts, v. 3, 4. Hereupon he chargeth himfelf to continue his Truft and Con- fidence in God, from whom was all his Expectation, and who was able to fave and deliver him; v. s, 6, 7. And from his Example and Experience, he en- courageth and exhorts all others to truft in God, v. 8. and that from two Argu- ments. Y. Becaufe all other Objects of our Truft and Confidence are vain and infuf- cient, and will fail thofe that rely upon them. If we will rely upon any thing in this World, it muff either be Perfons or Things ; but we cannot fafely repare our truft in either of thefe: Not in Perfons : They may be reduced to one of there twoHeads, either high or low : Thofe that areof a mean Condition, it would be in vain to truft them ; they that cannot fecure themfelves from mean- nefs, cannot fecure others from mifchief, Men of low degree are vanity : Butgreat ones of the World , they feem to promife fomething of Afliftance and Security to us ; but if we depend upon them, they will fruftrate us , Men of high degree are a lie. As for the Things of the World ; that which Men ufually place their confidence in, is Riches thefe are either got by unlawful, or lawful means ; if they be ill gotten, by Oppreflion or Robbery, they will be fo far from fecuring us fromEvil, that they will bring it upon us ; if they be well gotten , they are of an uncertain nature, that we have little reafon to place our hopes. in them ; If riches increafe, let not your hearts upon them, that is, your hope ; for heart in Scripture lignifies any of the Affe&ions. . 2. Becaufe God is the proper Object of our Truft and Confidence. We may fafely rely upon anyone, in whom thefe Two Things concur, a Power to help us, and Goodnefs to incline him fo to do. Now David tells us, that both there are eminently in God, and do in apeculiar manner belong to him; Power, v. it. andGoodnefs, v. 12. I (haft