7 58 The Imrnenfity of the Divine Nature. Vol. Ìo For anfwer to this, I mull diftinguifh the Prefence of God. There is, sfi, his glorious Pretence, that is, fucha prefence ofGod as is accompanied with an ex- traordinary, manifeflation of his Glory, and that is efpecially and chiefly confined to heaven, in refped of which it is called his Seat, and Throne, and the habita- tion ofhis Glory. Some degree of this was in the Temple, whichis the reafon of Solomon's Admiration, willGod indeed dwell on Earth? idly, There is his gracious Pretence, which difcovers it felf by miraculous ef- feds of his Favour, and Goodnefs, and Afliftance, and thereby he is faid to dwell in the hearts of good Men, and with them that are of an humble. and contrite Spirit, Ifa. 57. x5. and in refped of this he is Paid to draw near to us, to look down upon us; and in refped of the abfenfe of this to befarfrom us. idly, There is his effesfial Prefence, which is equally and alike in all Places; and this is not excluded by thofe former expreffions, which the Scripture úferh tó denote to us the glorious and graciousPrefence ofGod. . Fourthly, To make fome.Inferences. I will mention only fuch as the Scripture here takes notice of, fpeakingof God's Immenftty. I. Inf. That God is a Spirit. This needfully flows from his Inimer/fty ; for if the Effence of God be everywheredifiufed, the Divine Nature mull be fpiri- tuai, otherwife it could not be in the fame place where Body and Matter is, but mutt be ;hut out of the World. But this I fpoke more largely to, in my Dif- courfe of God's being a Spirit. This the PfalmiJl obferves here, Where /hall I go from thy Spirit ? If he were not aSpirit, we might go from him, and hide our felves from his Prefence. II. Inf. That God is incomprehenfible. That which is infinite cannot be mea= lured and comprehended by that which is finite ; and this alto the Pfalmijl takes notice of, in the Verle before my Text, Such knowledge is too wonderful for me. It ishigh, Icannot attain it. III. Inf. That God is Omnifcient. If God be every where, then he knows all things, yea even the hidden things of Darknefs, the Secrets of our hearts ; nothing can be hidden from an infinite Eye ; he is prefent to our Thoughts, in. timate to our Hearts and Reins; this the Pfalmi/b takes notice of,' 5, 2, 3,4, and s 2 Verfes. IV. Inf. That God is Omnipotent. Hecan do all things. Diftance limits the Power of Creatures, and makes their handsfhort ; but God is every where, no-. thing is out of his reach; and this alto the Pfalmifl intimates in the Text, v. so. Even there(hall thy hand leadme, and thy right hand hold me: Fifthly, The Ufe and Improvement I (hall make of this, fhall be, i. To awaken our Fear of him. 2. To encourage our Faith and Confidence in him. s. To awaken our Fear of him. The Confideration of God's Prefence Mould awaken in us a Fear of Reverence. ThePrefence of an earthly Majefly will awe our Spirits, and compofe us to Reverence ; yea the Prefence of a wife and good Man ; how much more fhould the Prefence of the Great, Glorious, the Wife, and the Holy, and the juft God ftrike an awe upon our Spirits ? Wherever we are, God is with us ; we always converfe with him, and live continually in his Pre- fence : Now a Heathen could fay, cum Diis verecundé agendum, We mull behave ourfelves modeflly becaufe we are in thepretence of God. And it fhould awaken in us a Fear to offend God, and a Fear of the Divinedif- pieafure for having offended him. Fear is the molt wakeful Paflion in the Soul of Man, and is the firfl Principle that is wrought upon in us from the Apprehen- fions of a Deity, it flows immediately from the principle of Self -prefervation which God hath planted in every Man's Nature ; we have a natural Dread and Horror for every thing that can hurt us, and endanger our being or happinefs now the greateft Danger is from the greateft Power, for where we are clearly over-match'd, wecannot hope to make oppofition nor refiftance with fecurity and fuccefs, to rebel with fafety : now he that apprehends God to be near him, and prefent to him, believes fuch a Being to hand by him as is poffeft of an infinite and