764 . The Eternity of God. Vol. L And this may fupport our Faith, not only in reference to our own condition for the future, but in reference to our posterity, and the condition of God's Church to the end of the World. When we die we mayleave ours and the Church in his hands, who lives for ever, and reigns for ever. The Enemies of God's Church, and thofe who have the moll malicious defigns against itwhatever fhare they may have in the affairs of the World, they can but domineer for a while, they muff die, andthat very day their thoughtsperish: But thy throne, 0 God, is for ever and ever. p. For the encouragement of our Obedience. We ferve the God whocan give us an everlafting reward. The reward ofthe next Life is called Eternal Life, an Eternal weight .ofglory, z Cor. 4. 17. Eternal Salvation, Heb 5.9. an Eternal In_ heritance, Heb. 9.15. That place where good Men fhall be rewarded is called, Everlaftinghabitations, Luke 16. 9. a Houfe Eternal in the Heavens, 2 Cor. 5. I. As the promife of our future reward is founded in the Goodneß of God, and the greatnefs of it in his Power, fo the duration of it in his Eternity. Now what an encouragement is this to us, that we ferve him and fuffer for him who lives for ever, and will make us happy for ever ? When we ferve the great Men of this World, tho' we be fecure of their'affeétion, yet we are uncertain of their lives; and this difcourageth many, and makes Men worfhip the firing Sun, and many times takes off Men's Eyes from the King, to his Succeffor : but he that ferves God, ferves the Xing everlasting, as the Apoffle calls him, who will live to dif. pence rewards toall thofe who are faithful to him. 3. For the terror of wicked Men. . The fentence which (hall be pall upon Men at the day of Judgment, is call'd Eternal judgment, Heb. 6. a. because it decides Men's Eternal State ; the punifhment that (hall follow this Sentence which shall pats upon the wicked, is called, Everlalling Punishment, Matth. /5.36. Ever- tailing fire, Matth. z.5. 41. Everlasting defirnElion, z Theft 2.. 9. The vengeance of Eternal fire, Jude 7. The fmoke of thebottomleßpit, is laid, to afcendfor ever and ever, Rev. r4. it. and the wicked to be tormented day andnight, for ever andever, Rev. mo. Io. Now as the punishment ofwicked Men is founded in the Jufhceof God ; and the greatnefs of it in his Power ; fo the perpetuity and continuance of it in his Eternity. The Apofile faith, Heb. 1o. 3 t. It is a fearfulthing to fall into thehands of the living God; becaufe he that lives for ever, can punish for ever; as the Eternal Demerit of fin feeds, and animates, and keeps alive the never-dying Worm, fo the wrath of the Eternal God blows up the Eternal Flame. How should this awaken in us a fear of the Eternal God! Sinners, what a folly is it, for thepleafures offin, which are butfor afeafon, to incenfe that Justice which will punish and torment you for ever ! As good Men (hall have the everlasting God for their Reward, and their Happinefs; fò wicked Men (hall have him for their Judge and Avenger. We fear the wrath of Men, whole power is fiort, and whofe breath is in their nostrils, who can affliét but a little, and for a little while. Dó4 thou fear Man that (hall die, and thefon 'of man that (hall be made as graß? and is not the wrath of the Eternal Godmuch more terrible ? Luke aa. 4, 5. And Ifay unto you, my_ friends, be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do : but Iwillforewarnyou whomye 'hallfear ; fear him, who after he bath kill'd, hathpower to call into hell, yea 1 fay unto you, fear him. The wrath of Man is defpicable, becaufe it bath bounds and limits ; the fury of Man can but reach to the body, it can,go no farther; it expires with this life, it cannot follow us be- yond the Grave : but the wrath of the EternalGoddothnot only reach the Body, but the Soul ; it is not conlin'd to this Life, but purfues us to the other World, and extends it felf to all Eternity. Fear him, who after he bath kill e!, bath power to call into hell, that is, to infliá Eternal Torments ; Tea, Ifay untoyou, fear him. ,S E R.