Serm. VIII. OfConflancy in the Profejlon ofthe Ì rueReligion: 6 i Church ? A plain Evidence that this is a new. Stile which they ufe, when they ive themfelves the Title of the Roman Cátholick Church ; and that the Ancient 'Chriftian Church knew better, than to call one Part of.the Catholick Church, the Whole. I am Pure, that Æieeas Sylvius (who was afterwards Pope Pius the Second) Pays, that before the Council of Nice, little refpe& was had to the Rotnan Church. But how does this confIt with their prefent Pretence, that the Roman Church is, and always bath been the CatholickChurch; and that the Bithop of Rome is by Chrift's appointment, the Supream Paftor, and Vifible Head of the whole Chriftian Church ? Is it poffible that this thould bebelieved in the Chri- ftian Church before the Council of Nice ; and yet little refped to be had at that time to the Roman Church? This indeed was faid by Aneas Sÿlvius, before he fate in the Infallible Chair ; but is never the lefs true for that. Fifthly, Step of their Method is, That the Roman Church is Infalli- ble ; and by this means they have a certain Remedy againft Herefie, and a Judge ofControverfes, front which there is no Appeal, which we want in Our Church. `And this is a Glorious Priviledge indeed, ifthey could prove that they had it, and. that it would be fo certain a Remedy against Herefie, and give a final Decifion to all Controverfies. But there is not one tittle of all this, of which they are able to give any tenable Proof : For, I. All the pretence for their Infallibility relies upon the truth of the former Propofition, That the Church of Rome is the Catholick Church, and That they fay is Infallible : And I have already shewn, that that Propofitiou is not only deftitute ofany goodProof ; but is as evidently falf, as that a Part of athing is the Whole. 2. Bin fuppofing it were true, That the Roman Church were the Catholick Church ; yet it is neither evident in it felf, nor can be proved by them, that the Catholick Church of every Age is Ibfallible, in deciding all.Controverfies of Re- ligion. It is granted by all Chriffians, that our Saviour and his Apoftles were in- fallible, in the Delivery of the Chriftian Do&rine ; and they proved their Infalli- bility by Miracles ; and this was neceffary at firft for the Secùrity of Our Faith But this Do&rine being once delivered and tranfmitted down to us in 'the Holy Scriptures, written by the Evangelifts and Apoftles, who were Infallibly afiìfted by the Holy Ghoft ; we have now a certain and Infallible Rule of Faith and Pra&ice, which, with the Ashftance and Inftru&ion of thofe Guides and Paftors which Chrift bath appointed in his Church, is fufficienily plain in all things neceffary. And as there is no evidence of the Continuance of Infallibility in the Guides and Paftors of the Church, in the Ages which followed the Apofties ;. be- caufeMiracles are long fince ceafed : So there is no need of the Continuance of it, for the Prefervationof the True Faith and Religion ; becaufe God hath fuf- ,ficiently provided for that, ,,by that Infallible Rule of Faith and Manners which he bath left to his Church in the HolyScriptures, which are every way fufficient and able to make both Paftors and People wife unto Salvation. 3. As for a certain Remedy againft Fterefie, it is certain God never intended there thould be any ; no more than he bath provided a certain Remedy against Sin and Vice ; which furely is every whit as contrary to the Christian Religion, and therefore as fit to be provided against, as Herefie : But it is certain in Experi- ence, that God hath provided no certain and effe&ual Remedy againft Sin and Vice ; for which I can give no other Reafon, but that God does that which he thinks belt and fitteft, and not what we are apt to think tobefo. Betides that Infallibility is not a certain Remedy againft Heretic. The Apoftles were certainly Infallible; and yet they could neither prevent, nor extinguith Heretic ; which never more abounded than in the Apoftles Times. And Saint Paul exprefly tells us, s Cor. r. 19. That there mull be Hereftes ; thät they which are approved may be made manifefl, And St. Peter, the 2 Ep/l. 2. s. That there fhouldbefalfeTeachers amongChriflians, whoshouldprivilybring in daninablè Herefres ; and that many should follow their pernicious ways. But now if there mull be Heresies; either the Church mutt not be Infallible, or Infallibility in the Church is no certain Remedy against them. I proceed to the tìext ftep they make, viz. Sixthly,