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66 Tbe Sixtb Sermon on tbar SERMON IX. Of Conflancy in the Profeffion of the TrueReligion. H E B. X. 23. Let us bold fa/i the Profefon of our Faith without wavering; for he is faithful that bath promifed. THESE Words contain an Exhortation to hold fall the Profeffion of our Faith without wavering, and an Argument or Encouragement thereto, becaufe be is faithful that hath promifed. By the Exhortation to hold fall the Profeffion ofour Faith without wavering, is not meant, That thofe who are capable of examining the Grounds and Reafons oftheir. Religion, fhould blindly hold it fail againft the beft Reafons that can be offered; becaufe upon thefe Terms, every Man inuit continue in the Religion in which he happens to be fix'd by Education, or an ill Choice, be his Religion true or fafee, without examining and looking into it, whether it be right or wrong ; for till a Man examines, everyMan thinks his Religion right. That which the Apoftle here exhorts Chri- ítians to holdfall, is the Ancient Faith, of which all Chriftians make a Solemn Profeffion in their Baptifm; as plainly appears from the Context. And this Pro- feon ofour Faith, we are to hold in the following Instances, which I fhall but briefly mention, without enlarging upon them. t. We are to bold fall the Profeon of our Faith againft the Confidence of Men, without Scripture or Reafon to fupport that Confidence. 2. And much more againft the Confidence of Men, contrary to plain Scripture and Reafon, and to the common Senfe of Mankind. 3. Againft all the Temptations and Terrors of the World, againft the Tem- ptations of Fafhion and Example, and of worldly Intereft and Advantage ; and against all Terrors andSufferings of Perfecution. 4. Againft all vain Promifes of being put into a fafer Condition, and ground- lefs Hopes of getting to Heaven upon eafierTerms than the Gofpel hath pro- pofed, in force other Church and Religion. Laffly, We are to hold fall the Profe©Ion ofour Faith without wavering, against all the cunning Arts and Infsnuations of bufy and difputing Men, whofe Defign it is to unhinge Men from their Religion, and to make Profelytes to their Party and Fa&ion. But without entring into thefe Particulars, I shall, in order to our Eftablishment in the Reformed Religion, which we profefs, in Oppofition to the Errors and Corruptions of the Church of Rome,. apply my felf at this time, to make a short Comparifon betwixt the Religion which we profefs, and that of the Church of Rome, that we may difcern on which fide the Advantage of Truth lies ; and in making this Comparifon, I fhali infift upon three things, which will bring the Matter to an Iffue, and are, I think, fuficient to determine every fober and.con- fderate Man, which ofthere he ought in Reafon, and with regard to the Safety of his Soul, to embrace ; and they are thefe. I. That we govern our Belief and Pradice, inMatters of Religion, by the true ancient Rule of Chriftianity, the Word of God contained in the HolyScriptures : But the Church of Rome, for the Maintenance of their Errors and Corruptions, have been forced to devife a new Rule, never owned by the Primitive Church, nor by the Ancient Fathers andCouncils of it. U. That