viii The CONTENTS. A Form of PRAYERS, ufed by His late Majefty K. WILLIAM III. when he received the Holy SACRAMENT, and on other Occafions. APrayer to God, that he would be pleated to afill and accept my Preparation to receive the Bio//ed Sacrament. p. 677 A Penitent Confefon of Sins, with an humble Supplication for Mercy and Forgivenefs. ( ibid. APrayer for the Grace and Affi(lance of God's Holy Spirit, to enable me to refolve and to do better for the future. p. 678 An humble Interceffion with Godfor all Mankind; for the whole ChrißianChurch, and more particularly for that part of it which is planted in thefe Kingdoms; for the ueen, and for all under our Government; for 'my Relations and Friends; for my Native Country, and foamy Allies, &c. p. 679 A Thankful Acknowledgment of the Mercies of GOD both Temporal andSpiritual; and above di/ for the Redemption of Mankind by the Humiliation andSufferings of his Son in our Nature. p. 68o A Prayer to God, to prepare my Heart for the worthy receiving of the Holy Sacra- ment, and to make mepartaker of the Ridings and Benefits of it. p. 681 Short Meditations and Ejaculationsat the Communion. ibid. A Prayer to be ufed in private afterwards. p. 68a SERM.