I +6 01 the `Per ¡ora by tinhorn Vol. II. tence only be exprefs'd, yet it fuppofeth a judicial Procefs preceding. So like- wife, Matth. 16. 27. For the Son of Mato ,(hall come in the Glory of his Father, with his holy Angels, and then hefhall reniard every Man according to his Work Shall come in the Glory of his Father, that is, with his Authority committed to him. Matt. 24. 30.. ,where our Saviour fpeaking of his coming to judge the World, it is faid, Then fhiall appear the fgn of the Son of Man in Heaven, and then (hall all the Tribes of the Earth mourn ; and they (hall fee the Son of Man co- ming in the Clouds of Heaven with Power andgreat Glory ; that is, in order to the Judgment of the World. But moft fully and expreffy, Matth. 25. 3i. where you have the Manner of his coming particularly defcribed, together with the folemn Reprefentation of the Procef of that great Day. When the Son of Man fhall cone in his Glory, and all the holy Angels with him, then (hall he fit upon the Throne of his Glory : And before himfhall be gather'd all Nations, and he AO feparate the one from another, as a Shepherd divideth his Sheep from the Goats : And he fhall fit the Sheep on his right Hand, but the Goats on the left. Then (hall the King fay to themon his right Hand, &c. You fee the whole Admini- itration of this Judgment, and the Management of every Part of it, is com- mitted to Chrift. john 5. 22. Our Saviour there produceth his Commiffron, and tells us from whence this Authority was derived to him. The Lather judgeth no Man, but bath committed all judgment to the Son. And ver. 27. He hath given him Authority alfo to execute judgment, becaufe he is the Son of Man. A&s ío. 42. And he commanded us to preach unto the People, and to teflifie that it is he that is ordainedOf God, to be the judge of Quick and Dead. A&s 17.3i. He bath appointed a Day in which he will judge the World inRighteoufnefs, by that Man whom he bath ordained, that is, by yefus Chrifi ; for it follows, Whereof he bath givenAfferance unto all Men, in that he hath raifed himfrom the Dead. Rom. 2. i6. In the Day when God (hall judge the Secrets of Men by yefús Chrift: Rom. 14. IO. We fhall allfland before the judgment Seat ofChrift. 2 Theft. r. 7, 8, 9. The Apoftle there fpeaking of the Day of Judgment, defcribes it thus : When the Lord jefus (hall be revealed from Heaven with his mighty Angels, in flaming Fire, taking Vengeance on all them that know not God, and obey not the Gofpel of his Son ; who (hall be punifh'd with everlafling Defirullion from the Prefence of the Lord, and from the Glory of his Power. 2 Tint. 4. i. I charge thee, faith St. Paul there to Timothy, before God, and the Lord yefus Chr, who (hall judge the Qxiokand the Dead at his appearing, and his Kingdom. Rev. 22. I 2. Behold I come quickly, faith our Lord, and my Reward is with me, to give to every Man according as his Work fhall be. I proceed to the II. Thing I propofed, namely, to give forne Account, why God bath com- mitted the Adminiftration of this Work into the Hands of the Lord Jefus Chrift. And of this, I (hall give an Account in there two Particulars : I. God thought fit to confer this Honour upon Chrift, as a fuitable Reward of his Patience and Sufferings. 2. He thought fit likewife hereby to declare the Righteoufnefs and Equity of his Judgment, in that Mankind is judged by one in their own Nature, a Man like themfelves. I. God bath thought fit to confer this Honour upon Chrift, as a fuitable Re- ward of his Obedience and Sufferings, of his coming into the World by his,Ap- pointment, to undertake the Work of our Redemption, and tomediate a Re- conciliation between God and us, of his voluntary Submif ion to a Condition fo mean and low, to that Poverty and Contempt, and to thofe extream Suf- ferings which he did fo patiently undergo, in the Profecution of this great Dnfign.' That God bath committedall Power to Chrift, with defign to put an Ho- nour upon him, our Saviour himfelf tells us, john 5. 22, 23. The Father judgeth no Man, but bath committed all judgment to the Son ; that all Men fhould honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. The Scripture fpeaks of this Mat- ter, as if when Chrift undertook the great Work of our Redemption, it were exprefly covenanted between God the Father and him, that he thould under- take