176 Of the `Üncertainty of Vol. ïÌ, Ingratitude to our Bleffid Redeemer, whogave himfelf for us, to afcribe that to the Merit of our own Righteoufnefs, or the Merits of the Saints, which nothing in Heaven or Earth, but the precious Blood ofChrifi, who was a Lamb without Spot or Blemifh, could have purchafed for us. And it is Argument and Encouragement enough to Holinefs and Obedienceof Life, that without it we cannot fee God ; and by it we are qualified for that Happinefs which Chrift bath purchafed for us, and, as the Apoftle expreffeth it, are made meet to be made Partakers of the In- heritance of the Saints in Light. 6. And Lap), To awaken and maintain this Vigilancy and Care, we fhould often reprefent to our Minds the Judgment of the Great Day, which will certain- ly come, tho' we know not the Time of it. And if any Confederation in the World will make Men watchful and diligent, certainly this will,- That the Judg- ment of God continually hangs over them, and may feize upon them atany time ; nay, for ought weknow, the Judgment of God maynow be fianding at the Door, and be ready to rufh in upon us, whilft we are fo negligent and fecure. For this Day, whenever it (hall be, will come fuddenly, and furprize the care- lefs World, when they leaft thinkof it, and look for it. So our Lord himfelf bath foretold, that as a Snare it Anil come upon all them that dwell on the Face of the whole Earth : That is, the great&Part of Mankind {ball be taken unprepared, when theyare unprovided for it; nay, when they are generally lull'd afleep in a (cupid Security and Infidelity ; when the World is grown Atheifiícal, and do hardlybelieve any fuch Thing as a future Judgment. So our Saviour feems to intimate, Luke 18.8. When the Son of Man comes, (hall he find Faith upon Earth ? And if this be a Mark and Token of the general Judgment, we have too much Caufe to apprehend that it is drawing on apace : For never was there any Age fence the general Flood, that we know of, when Iniquity did fo abound, and the Infidelity of Mankind was fo full, fo great, and fo general; when Profanenefs and Atheifm, the open Contempt of God and Religion, was fo raging and vio- lent ; and when, as our Lord fays, therewas fo little Faith to befound on the Earth; whether by Faith we underftand the Belief of the Principles of Religion, or the Fidelity of Men one towards another. For was there ever any Age, wherein falfe Accufation, Perjury and Subornation were more rife and impudent? wherein the Reverence ofan Oath was fo loft, and the facred Obligation of it in fo little re- gard among Men ? So that if the great judge of the World fhould delay his Coming, humane Society feemsready to disband and diffolve of it felf, for want of mutual Trutt and Confidenceamong Mento hold it together. And this Wantof Faith, in both Senfes, we owe in a great meafure toPopery ; which by its artificial Ways of jalfhoodand Perjury (which when they have to deal with Hereticks, they haveupon folemn Occafions declar'd lawful) bath not only weakned, but even deftroyed the Credit of Mankind with one another, as we find of late by fad Experience. And as for Infidelity in Religion, theyhave not only given great Occafion to it, by the monftrous Abfurdities they have brought intoReligion ; and by over (training the Faithof Menin fome Parts of it, have brought them to a Disbelief of the whole ; as is at this Day too vifible in many of the molt knowing Perfons of their Communion, both inFrance and Italy : But befides this, they have in their Writings, to gain Men to a Depen- dance upon, and Submiffion to the Infallibility of their Church, undermined the Foundation of Religion, and induftrioufly endeavoured to bring Men to Scepti- cifm and Infidelity; hoping that when they have made Men of no Religion, they will be fit for theirs, which in too many Refpe&s is next to none ; and in fome, worfe. But whether theJudgmentofthe GreatDaybe near at hand, or farther off, God alone knows: this is certain, that God bath in great Mercy delayed it for a long Time, becaufe he it not willing that any fhouldperifh, but that all fhould come to Re- pentance. And it is no lefs certain, that it may comeat anyTime, and will come when Men leaft expe& it; when the World is in great Security, and very little apprehenfiveof the Nearnefs and Danger of it ; which is Reafon and Argument enough to continual Care and Vigilancy : For it may come the next Hour, the next