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Serm.CXXXI. in the future State. I89 to be happy. We know that when he (hall appear, idP mdaep, sb, that is, when it/hall appear. It cloth not yet appear what we fhall be, but when it Jhall appear, that is, when our future Happinefs shall be revealed tous ; it is not yet particularly di ("cove- red to us, but thus much in general we know of it before-hand, that we ¡hall be like God, for we("hall fie hint as he is. InwhichWords, there are thefe four Things worthy of our Confideration Firft, The prefent Obfcurity of our future State, as to the particular Circum- Dances ofthat Happinefs which good Men (hall enjoy iti another'World : It doth not yet appear what we("hall be. Secondly, That thus much we certainly knowof it in general', that it (hall con- fift in the Sight and Enjoyment of God : 'We Inow that when it ("Tall appear, we/sail fee him as he is. Thirdly, Wherein our Likenefs to God (hall confift: We 'hall be like him. Fourthly, The neceffary Connexion between our Likenefs to God, and our Sight and Enjoyment of him : We (hall be like him, for we ("hall fee him as he is ; that is, becaufe we ("hailfee him as he is, therefore it is certain we /hall be like him; for unlefs we be like God, we are not capable of Peeing and enjoying him. Firft, The prefent Obfcurityof our future State, as to the particular Chelan:- fiances ofthat Happinefs which good Men (hall enjoy in another World : It data not yet appear what we ("hall be. The Scripture tells us, that it is a Glory yet to be revealed: That there (hall be fuch a State of Happinefs for good Men Inanother World, tho' it was in a great meafure obfcure to the Worldbefore, both to jewr and Gentiles ; yet it is now clearly revealed to us by theAppearance of fefrss C rífl, whohath brought Life and Immortality toLight by the Gofpel. But the particular Cir- cumfiances of this Happinefs are full hid from us ; and as it is a needlefs, fo it would be a faulty Curiofity in us to pry and enquire into them. It is enough that we certainly know there is fuch a State; the Knowledge of this in general is enough to quicken our Diligence, and excite our Endeavours for the obtain- ing and fecuring of it ; it is enough to mortify all evil Affe&ions in us, and to baffle all Temptations to Sin, to know that it will rob us of fo great Felicity, as God bath promifed to us; it is enough to fupport and comfort us under all the Miferies and Affliáions of this prefent Time, to be fully affured Sat after a fewDays of Sorrow and Trouble are over, we {hall be unfpeakably and eternally happy. A firm Perfwalion of this, is Argument enough to our Öbedienee, and a fufficient Support to our Faith and Patience, and we need enquire no farther. Thus much God hath revealed to us for our Comfort and Encouragement, the ref(" he hath concealed from us ; and it wouldbe a bold Intrufion into his Secrets; to pry and fearch any farther; and if we ( hould, it would be to no purpofe. For in Things which depend upon divine Revelation, it is impodlible for us to know any more, than God is pleated to reveal to us. In Matters of pure Reve- lation, we cannot go beyond the Word of the Lord; the Things of God knoweta no Man, bet the Spirit ofGod, or he to whom the Spirit of God Ihall reveal them: If one fhould come from a firange Country, never known and difcoveredbefore, and fbould only tell us in general, that it was a molt leafant and delightful. Place, and the Inhabitants of it abrave, and generous, and wealthy People, under the Government of a Wife and Great King, ruling by excellent Laws; and that the particular Delights and Advantages of it were not to be imagined by any Thing he knew in our own Country, and should fay no more of it: If we gave Credit to the Perfon that brought this Relation, it would create in us a great Admiration of theCountry defcribed tous, and a mighty Concern to fee it, and live in it : But it would be a vain Curiofity to reafon and conje&ure about the particular Conveniences of it; becaufe it would be impodfìble, by any Diftourfe to arrive at the certainKnowledge of any more, than he who only knew it was pleated to tell us. This is the Cafe as to our Heavenly Country. Our bleffed Saviour, who came down from Heaven, from the Bofom ofhis Father, hath revealed to us a State of Happinefs and Glory in general, that there is fuch a Kingdom prepared for us; and when he was leaving the World he told us, that he was going thither by the Wayof the Grave; and when he was rifen again from the Dead,