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194 Of the Happinef of Good_ Men, Vol.II. than ever he had before. And tomentionbut one Thing more ; It is that Senfc which is moreapt to work upon our Affe&ions. Segniis irritant animor dersifa per awes, ,Quám qux font oculis commiffa frdelibus 5 The Things which wehear reported, are not foapt to move our Pity, or An- " ger, or Love, as the Things which we fee with our Eyes." So that in all there Refpets, of the Dignity and Excellency, the Largenefs and Comprehenfivenefs, the Spirituality and Quicknefs, the Evidence, and Certainty of this Senfe, and the Power it bath to raife our Affe&ions, it is the fitteft to reprefent to us the nobleft Employment and Operation of our Souls in the State of Glory. 2. The primary and proper Obje& of this Senfe, is the mo(t delightful, and of the molt fpiritual Nature of any corporeal Thing, and that is Light. The Light of the Eye rejoiceth the Heart, Prov. r 5. 3o. Light it fweet, and a pleafant Thing it is for the Eye to behold the Sun, Ecclef. r t. 7. It is the Purelt and molt Spiri- tual of all Corporeal Things, and therefore God chufeth to reprefent himfelf by it. God is Light, and in him is no Darknef at all. And thus I have done with the Second Thing I propounded to (peak to, namely, That thus much in general we certainly know of the Happinefsof our future State, That it (hall confift in the Sight of God. I fhould now proceed to the Third Thing, namely, wherein our Likenefs to God fhall confift : But this I (hall refer to another Opportunity. SERMON CXXXII. Of the Happinefs of Good Men, in the future State. ne Second I J O H N III. z. Semen an th" Test. It cloth not yet appear what we ¡ballbe ; but we know, that when he ¡bail appear, we¡bail be like him ; for we ¡hall fee him as he is. IN there Words, are Four Things worthy of our Confderation : Firf1, The prefent Obfcurity of our futureState, as to the particular Circum- fiances of that Happinefs which good Men (hall enjoy in another World ; It loth not yet appear what we fliall be. Secondly, What we know of it in general ; that it (hall confift in the perfe& Knowledge and Enjoyment of God; both which are comprehended in that Ex- preflion, We (hall fee him as he is. Thirdly, Wherein our Likenefs and Conformity to God (hall confift ; This. we know, that when hefhall appear, we ¡ball be like him. Fourthly, The neceffàry Connexion between our Likenefs and Conformity to God, and our Sight and Enjoyment of him. The two fir(t of there I have fpo- ken to. I (hall now proceed to the Third; namely, Wherein our Likenefs andConformity to God (hall confift. We know that when it fhall appear, we ¡ballbe like him. In thefe two Things, in the Immortality of our Nature, and in the Purity of our Souls. I. In the Immortalityof our Nature. In this mortal State, we are not capable of that Happinefs which confi(Is in the'Vifion of God, that is, in the perfe& Knowledge, and perpetual Enjoyment of'him. The Imperfe&ion of our State, I