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zoo The Wi/dorn Re1i,rion ju/lifer, in the Vol. ÍI, of Sinners. We did not endeavour to be like God, and therefore wecan never be admitted to the blefledSight and Enjoyment of him ; for there is a dire& and eternal Oppofition between the holy Nature of God, and an impure Crea- ture ; and 'till this Oppofition be removed, we can have no Communion with him. And 'cis too late to take away this Oppofition between God and an im- pure Soul in the other World; betaufe our Condition is then concluded, and we {hall remain for ever fuch as we have made our felves, while we were in this World. Now is the Time, This is the Day of Salvation. Nowwe may repent and leave our Sins, and purifie our felves; and by Purity make our felves like to God, and by our Likenefs to him render our Souls capable of being admitted to the blefled Sight of him, in whole Pretence it Fulnefs of Toy, andat mhofe Right Hand are Pleafures for evermore. So that we ought to refolve upon one of there two Things; either to give over all Thoughts of Happinefs in another World; or to qualifie our felves for it, by purifying ourflves, as God is pure, for 'till we are like God, we are not capable of enjoying him. While we live in 7Jngodlinefs and Worldly Lolls, we are asunlike God as is pofiible ; and there are but twoWays imaginable, where- by to bring a Conformity and Likenefs between God and us, either by chan- ging God or our felves. Now the Nature of God is fix'd and immutable, he cannot recede from his Holy Nature; therefore we muff leave our Sins. 'Tis certain we cannot change God ; therefore we mull endeavour to change our felves. Rather think ofpurifying thy corrupt Nature, which may be done; than of ma- king any Alteration in God, with whom is no Variablenef nor Shadowof Turning. Once God bath condefcended fo far, as to take our Nature upon him, to bring us to a Participation of his own Divine Nature, and make us capable of Hap- pinefs : But if this will not do, we muff notexile& that Godwill put off his own Nature to make us happy. S I-; R M O \ CXXXIII. { Preach'd atWHITEHALL, 1686. The IvWrisdorn of Religion justified, in the different Ends of good and bad Men. P R O V. XIV. 3 2. The Wicked is driven away in his Wickednefs : but the Righteous bath Hope in his Death. cOlosnon, all along this Book of the Proverbs, doth recommend to us Reli- c, gion, and the Fear of God, by the Name, and under the Notionof Wifdom. Chap. t. 7. The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning ofKnowledge. Chap. 9. to. The Fear ofthe Lord is the Beginning ofklifdom; and the Knowledge of the Holy is Un- derflanding. Hereby fignifying to us, that Religion is the Fundamental Prin- ciple of Wh{dom, by which our whole Life, and all the A&ions of it, ought to be condueced and governed ; and that all Wifdom which doth not begin here, and lay Religion for a Foundation, and which doth not a& upon Suppofition of the Truth of the Principles of Religion, viz. the Belief of a God, and his Providence, of the Immortality of our Souls, and the Rewards and Punifhments s of