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Serro. CXCI. the Chriftian Revelation. 599 S E R M O N CXCI. The Excellency andUniverfal°ity Of theChriftianRe- velation, with the Sin and Danger of rejeE}ing it. St. JoHÑIII.igi And ibis is the Condemnation, that light is cone into the world, and men loved darknefs rather than light, becaufe their deeds wereevil. T ¡HEN I began to difcourfe ón there Words , I .obferv'd in them feveral The Third `/ / Particulars.' As, Sermon on Firs, The Defcription which is here given of our Saviour And his Doêtrine, by this the Metaphor ofLight. Light is come. Secondly, The univerfal Influence ofthis Light Light is come into theworld. Thirdly, TheExcellency and Advantages ofthe Doftrine ofthe Gofpel , above any other Doctrineor Infntution, eventhat of the7ewifhReligion, which was like- wife immediately from God. They are all but darknefs, in comparifon with this. Light is come into theworld ; andmen loved darknefs, 'fhefe three I have difpatch'd, and have enter'dùpen thefourth particular obfer- vable in myText, viz. The great Unreafonablenefs of rejecting this Doftrine of the Gofpel. It is to make the abfurdeftjudgment andChoice that is poffible, to prefer Darknefs before Light. Men loved Darknefs rather than Light. The difference between the Chri- ftian Religion and all others is fo very plain , that our Saviour had great reafon to fpeak thus feverely ofthe InfidelityoftheJews. °And becaufetheJews are the great Scripture Pattern of perverfe Infidelity, I propos'd the taking an eftimate ofthe Un- reafonablenefs ofthisSpirit andTemper, from the Charafters which wefind of it in that People, moff ofwhich dofill infeparáblyattend the Spirit ofInfidelity, where- ever it is. I (hall therefore take notice offome ofthe chiefof thofe Characters; as I find them difpers'd up and down in the Hiftory of the New Teftament, and they are thefewhich follow. T. Monftrous Partiality, in denying and rejefting that Revelation, which had not only as great but greater Evidence, than other things which they did believe, and were ready enough to entertain. Theybelieved Mofes and theProphets , and thegreat Confirmation whichwas given to them , was by the Miracles which God wrought by them. Thofe Miracles they did notfee themfelves; but received them from the Teftimony of their fore-fathers, being brought down to them by a very credible and uncontrol'd Revelation, which they had no reafon to doubt of the truth of: but they themfelves faw the Miracles which our Saviour wrought, which were more and greater than the Miracles ofMofes and all the Prophets, fo that theywere Eye-Witneffesof that Divine Power which accompanied ourSaviour' and yet they rejefted him and his poitrine; nay fo unequally did they deal with him, that after they had rejected him, notwithftanding all the Evidence which he gave that he came from God, they greedily received and ran after falfe Prophets who gave no fuch Teftimony. So our Saviour foretels concerning them, John g. 43 And fo afterwards it carne topafs, I amcome, faith he, in mÿ father's name, that is, have given fufficient Evidence that he fent me, andye receivedme not; if another (ball come in his ownname, him willye receive. In his own name, that is, without any Miracles to prove that he comes from God. And to thew their horrible Partialityyet more, after they had refufed the cleareft Teftimony that God could give of him, they were contented to accept ofthe difa- greeingTeftimonyof twoW itneffes againft him, and upon that uncertainEvidence to put him to death, And