Tillotson - BX5037 T451 1712 v2

604 The Excellency añdUniverfality of V 10 . monly dire t them to a !hotter way, which is, not to enquire first into the truth of their Doftrines, and the goodnefs of their Worship and Practice; but firft to find out the true Church, and then learn of her what Doftrines and Prafticesare truly Christian ; and by this means they get their Religion fwallowed whole, without any particular examinationof their Doftrines and Practices, which will not bear the tryal; and therefore to make the work fhort, they take it for granted, that there is always a vifible Catholick Church ; that this Church is infallible in all matters of Faith; and that the Roman Church is this vifible infallible Catholick Church, becaufe no other Church pretends to be fo ; as indeed there is no reafon why a- ny particular Church fhould pretend to be the Catholickor Univerfal, or to fpeak plainer, why a part fhould pretend to be the whole : and all this being admitted, there is nothing more now to be done, but to receive all the Doftrines which this Church teacheth, without any farther examination of them , becaufe this Church being fuppofed tobe infallible, all that the fags muft be true, tho' it ap- pears to be never fo contrary to Scripture, or Reafon, or Senfe. But now in this way of proceeding, there are two or three thingswhich feem to be very odd. r. That men muft take theirReligion in the lump, and not be allowed to examine the particular Doftrines and Praftices of it ; which is to fay, they have an excellent Religion, but men muff by no means examine it, nor look into it. This looks fo fufpicioufly, that a wife man for thisvery reafon, if there were noother, would re- jeft it ; becaufe they are fo afraid to bring it to the tryal. 2. It feems likewife very ftrange, that when they go to make Profelytes, they fhould take fo many things whichare in queftion and controverfie between us, for granted 5 as that the Church in everyage is infallible ; and that theChurch of Rome is the infallible and catholick Church. Theymeet indeed fometimes with fome eafie andwilling Converts, that will meet them thus far, that is, more than half way : but what if aman will not take all this for granted, but will put them to the proof of it ? Why then he is not fo civil as they hoped and expefted ; and com- monly they give over tempting him, or at leaft depart from him for a feafon, till they can find him in a more pliable temper; for it is a long work, and requires a great deal of time to prove force things, efpecially to the dull capacity of a nor- thern Heretick : befides that fóme things are ftubborn, andwill not be proved, tho' never fo much pains be taken to do it; and fo are the Propofitions now mentioned, towards theproofwhereof I never fawany Argument offered, that iswithindiflance, or indeed within fight of the conclufion. And then, 3. It feems a very ftrange method of coming to knowwhat the true Doftrines of Chriftianity are, by firft knowing which is the true Church: for it is nottheChurch, which makes theDoftrinesof Chriftianity to be true, but theprofeffion of the true Chriftian Doftrine which makes the Church ; and therefore we mutt first know which are the true Doftrines of Chriftianity, the profeffionwhereof makes the true Church, before we can poffiblyknowwhich is the true Church; butwhich are the true Doftrines of Chriftianity, is not to be known but bya particular examination of them, and comparing themwith the ruleof the ChriftianFaith, thewordofGod. But they that have a mind to deludemen, and keep them in error, muff neverad- mit their Religion to be try'd by this rule. But to proceed. VI. Another quality which accompanies Infidelity and oppofition to the Truth, is rudenefs and boifteroufnefs, falling into uncivil terms and reproachful names. Such was the carriage of the Jews towards our Saviour ; when they were not able to reafon with him, they fell to railing at him. John 8.48. When he argueda,- gainft their Infidelity in the cahneft manner, andby the ftrongeft and cleareftAr- guments endeavoured to convince them of the unreafonablenefs ofit. Which ofyou, faith he, convinceth me of fin? And if I(peak the truth, why doyou not believe? He that is of God, heareth God's words : ye therefore hear them not, becaufeye are not of God. Then anfwered the Jews, Say we not well, that thou art a Samaritan, and haft a Devil ? They prefently call him Heretick ; for fo the Jews efteem'd the Samaritans. VII. Another quality near a-kintothis, is furyandoutragious paffion. John7.23. Theyews were in a great paffìonagainft ourSaviour, for healing on the Sabbath-day. 5 When