Serm.CXCIII. Refitlt ofChriflianity. 621 and the habits ofgooduefs are acquired, as other habits are, by flowdegrees at firfl, andwith a great deal ofconflict; and it is a good while before a man comes to that confirmed flare, that he may be faid to have conquer'd; but if he perfifts in his refolutions, and when hebath receiv'd fome foil take heart again, he is in the way toviflory ; and tho' he be not in a perfe& Rate ofacceptance with God , yet his endeavours have the acceptance of good beginnings, and he halt no reafon to be difcouraged, at what he had reafon toexpert when he began this work, if he cal- culate things aright : and they that tell men otlaerwife, have taken up falfe notions in Divinity, but do notconfult humannature, and the ufual progrefs ofGod's grace in the converfion ofa ftnner, and reclaiming himfrom a wicked courfe, andhave not taken fuftìcient care to reconcile their notions of Divinity, with the nature of things, and the certain and undoubted experience of mankind. Therefore let no man be faint and difcouraged upon this account, and think the thing is not to be done, becaufe he doth not meet with perfeél fuccefs at firft; for this feldom happens, and therefore ought not to be expelled : but let him frill go on and reinforce his refo- lutions; and the oppofition and difficulty will abate , and the work continually grow Bader upon his hand, and the God ofpeace will at laft tread down Satan un- der bis feet. SERMON CXCIV. The Duty ofimproving the prefent Opportunity and Advantages ofthe Gofpel. St. JOHN XII. 35. Thenfait! yefits unto them, Y'et a little while is the light with you; walk while you have the light, left darknefs come upon you. THENfail Jefus unto them, that is, upon the difcourfe he had juft beforeprea:h't had with them, concerning his approaching Death, and departure out of this i6ß .5' World; at the mention whereof, they were offended and troubled ; but inítead of that, our Saviour puts them upon that which would be of real ufe and benefit to them, to improve thofe advantages and opportunities; which they were like to en- joybut a little while; Thenfaid Jefus unto them, Tet a little while is the light with you ; walk whileye have the light, leis darknefs come uponyou; for be that walketh in darknefs, knowetb not whither hegoeth. Tet a little while is the light withyou. This our Saviour fpeaks of himfelf, and his perfonal pretence and teaching among them ; Tet a little while is the light with you: for fo he frequently calls himfeif and his Doftrine. John 3. 19. Light is come into the world, John 8. 12. I am the light ofthe world: he thatfolloweth me, fball not walk in darknefs, but fnall have the light of life; that is, fuch a light as will direct him in the way to eternal life; and John 9. 5. As long as I am in the world, I an: the light of the world. Walk while ye have the light: Light is the opportunity of aftion, and going about our bufinefs, and therefore it isjoyned with walking and working, as in the Text I mentioned before, Ian: the light ofthe world : hethatfolloweth me (hall not walk in darknefs. And John 9. ç. where the continuance of this opportunity oflight is call'd the day, and the ceafing or withdrawing of it, the night, Imid work the works of him thatfens me, fays our Lord, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work, Therefore we fhould walk and workwhile we have the light. 2 Left