622 The Dutyofimproving V®l.I1, Lesd darknefs core uponyou. And this will be a difinal and fatal time, when all opportunity ofwalking and working will be at an end ; for whenthe light hath left us, we thall not be able to fee what to do , or whither to go, as our Saviour adds to inforce his Exhortation of making ufe ofthe prefent advantages and opportunities. Walk whileye have the light, lei't darknfs come uponyou: for he that walkethindark- nefs knoweth not whither he goeth. All this ourSaviour plainly fpeaks to the jars, with relation to his own perfo- nal prefence and preaching among them which he tells them would fhortly ceafe, and be at an end. In which fenfe thefe words donot concern us, but only the `hers at that time, to whom they were fpoken: but by an equality of reafon, the advice here givenby our Saviour, fielt and immediately to theyews, maybe recommended to us, inthe general reafon and intention of it; to us, I fay, who, tho' we do not enjoy the light of Chrift's perfonal prefence, yet we have the light of his Do trine, and thepower and prefence ofhis Spirit going alongwith it, and fupplying the ab- fence ofhis perfon; fo that in effeft we have all the advantages and means ofSalva- tion, which the fens had and we know not how long they may be continued, or how foon they maybe taken from us; and therefore the general reafon and intend- ment ofthis advice concerns ua equally with the Jews, and confidering the uncer- tainty of the continuance of the means and opportunities of Salvation, either to a particular people or perfon, we may very well apply thefe words of our Saviour to our feives, andas if they hadbeen fpoken byhim to us as well as to theyews; wet a little while is the light withyou ; walk whileye have the light, lee? darknefs come uponyou ; for he that walketh in darknefs knoweth not whither he goeth. Abftra Ling then from the particular occafion and meaning ofthe words, I (hall profecute the generalreafon and intention of them, as it may be accommodated tous, and that in thefe following particulars. Firth, As we have the like means and opportunities of Grace and Salvation, as the Yews had. Secondly, In that the feafon of their continuance is uncertain to us, as well as it was to them; we know not how long they may be continued, nor how foon they may be taken from us. Thirdly, In that the fame duty and obligation lies ' upon us, of improving the prefent advantages and opportunities which we -enjoy. Walk while ye have the light. Fourthly, In that we may juftlyapprehend the like danger and difmal confequence ofbeing deprived of thefe happy opportunities and advantages. Left darknefscome uponyou ; for he that walketh in darknefs, knoweth not whither he. goeth. Fifthly, I thall confider by what things God is more efpecially provoked, to de- privea people of the means and opportunities of grace and falvation. And then, la/Ily, What is the way and means to prevent fo difmal a judgment, and procure, if it may be, a lengthening of our tranquillity. I (hall go over thefe particulars as briefly as I can. FirfI, That we have the like means and opportunities of grace and falvation, as the Yews had ; not the very fame in kind, and all the circum(tances of them, as I noted before, but the fame equivalently, and in fubftance, and to all the purpofes of our eternal falvation and happinefs, if we make a right ufe ofthem. Theft= had the perfonal prefence and preachingof Chrift among them ; they did converfe familiarly with him, did eat and drink in his prefence, and heard him teach in their freets 5 which was a very valuable and fignal privilege vouchfafed only to that people, and only in that age. For as to his perfonal prefence and converfation, he was notPent, but only to the loft Peep of the houfe of Ifrael. But we have (till the fame means and advantages in fub(tance, which they-had; the Gofpel is preached to us, as well as to them; we have all the light and direftion concerning our duty, and all the encouragement to holinefs and obedience , which they had; and there is (till the fame inward operation and concurrence of God's Holy Spirit, accompanying his word, and making way for the entertainment of it ; if there be but the faine obfequiorfnefs of faith in us, and re dinefs to receive the truth in the love of it, that we may be faved. 3 Nay