626 TheDuty of improving Vó1. II. 2. Another and higher provocation of Almighty God to take away his Gofpel from a nation , is great and general impiety and wickednefs an univerfal cor ruption and depravation of manners. When the vineyard which God hath plan- ted with fo much care, doth not only not bring forth goodgrapes, but bring forth wildgrapes, as it is in the parable of the Prophet Ifaiah, concerning the houfe of Ifraell ; then God will break down the hedge of it, and lay it wage; and will alto command the clouds, that they rain no rain upon it. When no means will prevail upon apeople tobring them to goodnefs, God will then give over all care of them; and deprive them of the means whereby they fhould be made better. When they do not only fruftrate his expe&ation, but do quite contrary to what he looked for, he will be no farther concerned for them. So we find in the application of that parable, Ifa. 5.7. For the vineyardof the Lord of hofis, is the boufe of Ifrael, and themen of Judahhispleafant plant: and he lookedfor judgment, but beholdoppreon; for righteoufnefs but behold a cry. And this we find under the Gofpel , Heb. 6. 7, 8. For the earth whichdrinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, andbringeth' forthherbs meet for them by whom it is dreffed, receiveth bidingfromGod. But that which beareth thorns and briers, is'rejec`ted, and is nigh unto turfing, whofe end is- to be burned. Briers and thorns are not mere unfruitfùlnefs under theGofpel ; but contempt of it, andaffronting it byour wicked lives. When infidelity and contempt of Religion appear openly in a nation, and impiety and vice grow impudent and univerfal, even. when the Gofpel fhineth in its clearelt and ftrongeft light, and the wrathof God not only in his Word, but by his Providence, and by terrible things in righteoufnefs, is fo plainly revealed from Heaven againfl all ungodlinefs and un- righteoufnefs of men; when people are taught their duty, and the true knowledge of God, but will receive no inftru&ion, but perfift in their lewd and vicious courfes, andcommit iniquity withgreedinefs; this,' if any thing, is a juft provocatio n of Al- mighty God; to remove his Candleflick from fuch a nation as this, and to leave them in darknefs ; fine light hath no other effe& upon them, but tomake then more wild and extravagant. There remains only the Sixth and last particular, which I mentioned, to be fpoken to, namely, What is the way and means to prevent fo difmal a judgment, and to procure, if it may be, a lengthning ofour tranquillity, and a longer enjoyment of the means and oppor- tunities of Grace and Salvation. And our belt dire&ion in this cafe, will be to follow theCounfel which the Spirit gives to the fevenChurches of Afia, to prevent the removingof their Candlefiickout of its place, that is, their being deprived of the light of theGofpel, which (hone fo clearly among them. He then that bath an ear, let him bear what the fpirit faith unto the Churches. To the Church of Ephefss, Rev. 2. 5. Remember from whence thou artfallen, and repent, and do the firfl works ; or elfe I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy Candleflick out of his place, except thou repent. To the Church of Smyrna, ver. to. Fear none of thofe things which thoufhalt fuffer: behold, the devilfball caflforteofyou intoprifon, thatye may be tried, andye fhall have tribulation ten days. Be thou faithful unto death, and Iwill give thee a crown of life. To the. Church of Pergamos, ver. 16. Repent ; or elfe I will comeunto thee quickly. To the Church of Sardis, Chap. 3. 2, 3. Be watchful, andflrengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for Ihave notfound thy works perfèfi before God Remember therefore bow thou hr receivedandheard, and holdfafi, and repent. If therefòre thou,fhalt not watch , I will come upon thee asa thief and thou(halt not knowwhat hour Iwill come upon thee. To the Church of Laodicea, ver. 19. Be zealous therefore, and repent. Youfee what are the means prefcribed by the Spirit of God, to prevent the remo- ving ofour Candleßick out ofits place; to be fenfible of our great degeneracy from our primitive Piety, and the ftri& pra&ice of Religion, and to exercife a deep Re- pentance for it, and effe&ually to reform, and do ourfillworks. Remember whence thou art fallen, and repent, anddo thy fritworks. And then great vigilancy and watchfulnefs, that webe not furprifed before we are aware. Be watchful fir if thoufhalt not watch, Iwill come on thee as a thief; and thou (halt not know what hour Iwill come upon thee. Nowwatchfulnefs implies great fobrietyand temperance, and is ufuallyjoyned with fervent and earneft Prayer. Watchye therefore andpray always. Next, to holdfad the Doctrine which we have received and heard, the faith