Tillotson - BX5037 T451 1712 v2

648 The Efficacy ofPrayer, Vo1.II becaufe tht loveofGod isflied abroad in our hearts, by the Holy Ghoft which is given unto us; that is , for our fupport and, afíiftance under Sufferings. So likerwife r The/J: 4. 8. where defilingof our bodies by luff, is called a defpifzng of God, zeha hath 'given unto us his Holy Spirit ; that is, to dwell in us; for which reafon the Throe Apoffle calls our Bodies the temples of the Holy Ghofl, and ofGod, r Cor. 3. 16. Knowye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you. And, Chap. 16. 19, Knowye not thatyour body is the temple ofthe Holy Ghoft which is inyou ? And r John 3. 24, God is fail to give us his Spirit to enable us to keep his Commandments; He that keepeth his Commandments, dwelleth in him , and he in him : and hereby we know that he abideth in us , by the Spirit which he hath given zee. And, Chap. 4. 13. Hereby we know that we dwell in him, andhe in us, becaufe he bathgiven us of his Spirit. So that the Gift of God's Spirit doth imply his con- tinual refidence in good men; and his powerful aflìftance ofthem to all the pur- pofes of holinefs and obedience ; and not only a tranfient operation upon the minds ofMen, by fome good motions and fuggeftions, which is common to had men, and thofe who are in a finful and unregenerate {tote. Secondly, We shall in the next place confider, what kind of afking, in order to the obtaining of this great Blefiing, is here required by our Saviour, when he fays, God will give his Holy Spirit to them that ask him. It muff have thefe three Qua- lifications. r. It muff be hearty and fincere, in oppofition to formal and hypocritical asking. a. It muff be cornea, and fervent, and importunate, in oppofition to cold, and faint, andcarelefs asking. 3. It mull be in Faith, and a confident affurance that.God will hear us, in oppo- fition to doubting and diffruft. r. It molt be hearty and fincere, in oppofition to formal and hypocritical asking: When we pray for God's Grace, and HolySpirit, we muffnot be as the Hypocrites are, who pray'not fo much to be heardof God, as to be feen ofmen; who have no fenfe of their wants, no hearty delires to obtain thofe Bleflingswhich theybeg of God, but only pray out bf form and cuflom, or for offentation of their Piety and Devotion. It is not every Prayer that is put up to God out of form and cuftom that will prevail with God, for the aflìffance ofhis Grace and Holy Spirit; but it muff be ferious and in good earnef', it muff proceed from a true and real fenfe of our needof God's HolySpirit, fuck a fenfe as Children have of their want ofBread, when they are pinched with hunger. 2. 'This afking muff be earneft, and fervent, and importunate, in oppofition to cold, and faint, and indifferent afking ; becaufe this declares the fincenty of our delires . Thofe things whichwe arecarelefs and indifferent about, and do not much matter whether we have them or not, we afk them coldly, and but feldom ; ifthey be not granted at the firft asking, we give them over, and look no farther after them : but thofe things which we heartilydefire, and are truly fenfible of our want of them, we will ufe more earneftnefs and importunity for the obtaining of them; and if we cannot obtain them at firf' , we will renew our requeffs, be inffant and urgent for them, and if there be any hopes, never give over till we have prevailed. And that in this manner we ought to beg of God his Holy Spirit, our Saviour declares in thofe Metaphors whichhe ufeth of asking, andfeeking, and knocking, which fignifie earneftnefs, and diligence, and importunity, Ver. 9. io. Ifay unto you, Ask, and it _Pall begiven you : feek, andye (hall find: knock, and it(hall be opened untoyou. For every one that asketh, receiveth : and he that feeketh findetis and to him that knocketh it_hall be opened. And we have this more plainly declared in the Parable before the Text, Ver. q. 6, y, 8. And hefad unto them, Which of you(hall have a friend, andfhall go unto -him at midnight, andfay unto him, Friend, lend me three loaves : For a friend of mine in his journey is come to me, and Ihave nothing tofat before him : Andhe from within hall anfiver and fay, Trouble me not, the door is now_Put, and my Children are with me in Bed, 1 cannot rife, and give 4 thee.