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Serin.CXCIX, for obtaining the Holy Spirit. 657 I. This is matter of great encouragement to us , under the fenfe of our own weaknefs and impotency. Whemwe confider the corruption of our Nature, the ftrength of our Lufts, and the malice and power of the Devil, and compare our weaknefs with the ftrength of thofe mighty Enemies ofourSouls, we are apt tode- fpond in our minds, and our hearts are ready to fail within us ; like the people of Ifrael, when they heard the report of the Spies, concerning the ftrength of the Land which they were to conquer, and the terror of the Inhabitants, they with themfelves almóft dead, for fearof Death ; Would to God we had died in theLand of Egypt; or would to God we had died in the Wildernefs. Wherefore bath the Lord brought us into this Land, to fall by the (word ? Were it not better fir us to return into Egypt ? Numb. 54. 2, &C. Thus we are apt to be dilhearten'd when we look only to our felves, and confider the Power of our Enemies ; but when we look beyond our felves, as Caleb and 7ofhua did, to that prefence and ftrength of God, which was protnifedto go along with them if we would but confider thofe gracious and powerful Affiftances of God's Holy Spirit, which are offer'd to us , and are ready to joyn with us in this holy warfare of fighting againft fin , and fubduing and mortifying our Lufts, we fhould then encourage our felves as they did,, Fearye not the people of the Land : for they are bread fir us, their de- fence is departed from them; the Lord is with us, fear them not, Numb. 54. 9. If we would but apply our felves to God for the Aids of his Grace and Holy Spirit, and make ufe of that Affiftance whichhe. offers, we fhould (as the Apoftle fpeaks in another cafe, Heb. i í. 34.) out ofweaknefs be made flrong, wax valiant in fight, and be able to put to flight the Armies of aliens. If we would but wifely con- fider our own ftrength, How fhould one chafe a thoufand, and two put ten thoufand to flight ? All our fpiritual Enemies would quaile before us, and as 'tis faid of the Cañaanites, Jofh. 5. I. Their hearts would melt, and there would be no more fpirit 'left in them , g Kings 6.15. when EliJba's Servant faw an Hoft, compaffmg the City of Samaria with Horfes and Chariots,, he was in great fear and perplexity; and faid, Mafler, what (hall we do ? but when upon .Flifba's Prayer , The Lord had opened the eyes of the young man, and be fain, and behold the Mountains were full ofHorfes andChariots offire round about Elifba; then he took Heart, and his fears vanifh'd', becaufe thofe that were with them were more than they that were againfl them. Thus, if our Eyes were opened by Faith, to difcern thofe invifible Aids andAffiftances which ftand by us, how fhould this raife our courage and our confidence, and make us to triumph with the Apoftle, Rom. 8. 31. If God befor us, who can be againfl us? and to rebuke our Fears, and the defpondency of our Spirits, as David does, Why art thou call down, 0my Soul? and why art thou dif -- quieted within me? Trull Hill in God: and to fay with him, when multitudes of enemies compafs us about, In the name ofthe Lord we will deflroy them. Eph. 6. i o. when the Apoftle reprefents to the Chriftians what Enemies they had to conteft withal, we fight not only againfl flefli and blood; that is, not only againft Men who perfecute us; but againft Devils, who continually infeft and tempt us, againft Principalities and Powers, &c. he encourageth them againft all thefe, by the ftrength of God; Finally, my brethren, be flrong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Thus we fhould encourage our felves in God, and animate our refo- lutions from the confideration of God's Holy Spirit, that Spirit of might and of power, which God is ready to give to every one of us, to allift us to do whatever he requires of us. And we have no reafon to complain of weaknefs, fo long as the ftrength of God Rands by us, and the powerful aids of God's Spirit are ready to joyn themfelves to us. 2. Let us earneflybeg of God his Holy Spirit, feeing it is fo neceffary to us, and God is fo ready to beftow this bell of Gifts upon us. Bread is not more ne- ceffary to the fupport of our natural life, than the Holy Spiritof God is to our fpiritual life and ftrength: and there is no Father upon Earth more ready to give Bread to his Children that cry after him, than God is to give his Holy Spirit to thofe who heartily and earneftly beg it of him. Did we but know how great a Gift the Spirit of God is, and howneceffaryto us, we would not lofe fuch a blef- _ fing, for want of afking; but we would be importunate with God, and give him PPPP no